Jojo's Vacation Italy 2011
St. Tecla/ Aci Trezza/ Catania, Sicily. 26th August 2011.
The morning begins and Fiorella drops myself and Peter at Piazza Chiesa in St Tecla where we meet my Aunty Mary, cousin Irma and Camillo. We drop into visiting Zio Sebastiano, my deceased Grandfather's brother. Zio's brain is sharp as a tack, but unfortunately at 88 his body is giving up on him and is finding it difficult to walk distances. Zio is in fine spirits and is excited to see us and meet my partner Peter who he has heard much about.
Moving on Camilo drives us onto Aci Trezza where we visit the Isle dei Ciclopi. Basalt rocks...according to ledgend, Hommer Polyphemus hurled the rocks in an attempt to strike the fleeing Ulysses, who had blinded him.
Driving on, Camillo and Irma take us into Catania to visit the Duomo, L'Elefante Piazza and the Roman Theatre. After lunch, which we must say were the worst arranccini ever, we returned to cousin Santo and Irene's house. After a shower and change of clothes, we were ready to be joined by Marina and Nello and we all made our way to join Venny and Sal for dinner. An Italian smorgasborg of food which was generously paid by my Aunty Mary.
The night was still young and at 11.00pm Camillo and Irma dropped Peter and I at the open air DISCO " Banarche" where we caught up with my cousins Fiorella, Nuccio, Nello, Federicca, Vera, Walid and Semek for a fabulous night of dancing.
Leaving the DISCO in the early hours of thr morning we all stopped off for a refreshing Saelze de Limone. The green manderine was sensational.
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