As we got through immigration thank god there was an Accomodation desk as we hadnt booked anywhere to stay?! oops... anyway within 10 mins we had booked, paid and were in a mini-bus on the way to our bunglow... We were staying at O.P Bunglows in Chaweng Beach.. We have our own bunglow with bathroom, minibar and porch.. nice chnage from the dorms. Dumped our stuff and went out to explore but we didnt get very far as Lisa heard Martin Brundle's voice coming from a bar! Grand Prix.. whoop whoop!! convinced Jayne to stop and we had a few beers whilst managing to catch the last half...happy days.. GO LEWIS! The next morning we went straight to the was lovely to be out of a city for a few days! That afternoon we got a message from Will saying they were in bunglow 404..result! they were staying in our little complex..
That evening was... shall we say eventful...we were Sang Som virgins ( STRONG thai rum) and we also hadnt encountered any bucket drinking yet putting these aspects into the equation we were pretty tipsy! especially Jayne and Zack! Lisa and Will soldiered on with more buckets whilst those 2 were "DEADWOOD" if we are going to use the lads terminology..hahah we were feeling tender the next day to say the least and just spent it trying to recover! Definately were not on form for another drinking session that night so we chose to rent a dvd instead.. very civilised. Watched BORAT! and had an earlyish night.. The next morning the lads came to say goodbye as they were off to Phuket, it was sad to see them go but we are hoping we will catch up with them on our month tour which is similar to the one they are doing.
The rest of our time in Koh Samui was spent relaxing on the beach walking around the markets and enjoying our free time before we embark onthis month tour... oh and observing the 80's twins who lived in our complex.. teehee.. they look like they want to be George Michael with bleached mullets and they like running - A LOT! ...But never fear Jayne was going to give Sang Som another chance.. and we did it in style.. finding a bar where they were just 80p a drink, meeting a Brazilian guy who bought us roses and dancing like crazy people!
We have really liked being here and are sad to leave. Today we fly to Bangkok and tomorrow we begin our 29 day tour around Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos! Bye bye Koh Samui.......
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