Onto our 3 day camping adventure...
We arrived in Rainbow Beach, checked in and had our welcome meeting with Merv! We had already made friends with Nadia and Mandy and decided to stick together so we had a few girls in the group. Now it was time to scan the hostel for men to poach for our Fraser group! hmmm... Nadia spotted a couple of lads across the bar and we convinced her to go and ask them to join us... they happily obliged (obviously having no idea what they were getting into).
So we had our Fraser Family, us two, Nadia(UK), Mandy (UK), Mike (Canada), Eric (Canada), Simon, (UK), John (UK), Odette (UK), Yaiza (Spain) and Maria (Spain). Happy days!!!!!
The next morning we packed up the truck and Dingo's hostel and off we went on our adventure..drove to the ferry and within minutes we were in paradise! We started our 3 days off by going to Lake was absolutely gorgeous! We played volleyball and began on the bundy. That night we stayed at the Aborijeni campground just as the sun was setting we cooked our steaks (Jayne had a veggie pattie)...we spent the evening around the fire with lots of irish guys and of course there was a fair share of Canadians! teehee... pattern forming eh?
The next day was a very busy one visiting the shipwreck, Eli Creek (yeah baby!), Indian head and onto camp at the beach.. We prepared dinner with the bluntest knives ever! and a severe lack of vegetables for our vegetable stirfry! luckily everyone was quite full from drinking beer! We all chilled out chatting and having a good time. We took candy teeth to take pictures of us all wearing them! teehee.. (yup, still havent grown up yet )
All too soon Jayne was dying for a wee.. I hear you asking "has jayne ever weed outside before?" - No noit since she was a very little girl! this was very entertaining for the rest of us as she got herself in a complete states about it.. not to mention the Dingos that were hovering around.. Lisa took Jayne and showed her where to go.. Lisa was fending off dingos whilst holding a torch but funnily enough Jayne was the one more disturbed by the experience! huh?
We packed up camp the next morning and headed to Lake Wabby- would have been lovely to know that we would be walking through the desert for quite a while before getting to the lake.. it was worth it but it didnt have a patch on Lake McKenzie..By the time we all swam, played frisby and burried Simon in the sand it was time to get back to the ferry.. the adventure was over! We had a group shot and got back to the Place where we hired the truck from.. luckily they didnt notice that Mike had broken the mirror! so no extra charges! get in!
Back at Dingos we had the best shower in the world (dirty, grubby people who hadnt washed in days) had dinner and chilled out with our Fraser Family! We said goodbye the next morning and it was back on the 'dog' with John and Odette to Airlie Beach. We had a chage over in Hervey Bay for a few hrs so we all had dinner in the most random irish bar ever! we had to sit at a table on the dance floor covered with a tablecloth and a disco ball shining on us! yet across the pub old men propped up the bar.. NICE! hahaha
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