So it was Jaynes real Birthday the next day so we had to get organised! We went to Coolie to find out about hiring a car as we wanted to do 'Byron Bay take 2'. Lisa managed to get rid of Jayne for the afternoon so she could figure out her gifts etc..
Jayne's Birthday! woke up and Jayne had tears whilst opening her cards and presents.. she got 2 tops from her mum, a necklace from Ian, Lisa had made a photo album of the trip so far putting in the funniest memories and loads of cards! The tears had to end very soon as Lisa had booked her in for a manicure and we had to be there within 30 mins.. oops! we made it and she had pretty gems put on her nails. We then went to get our eyebrows waxed (jayne for the first time!) and then spent the day at the beach..we waited for Pat aka Mr. Fun to get home from work and were planning on going for dinner but we got a little too tipsy and just ended up going to the bar in Coolie! And yes we wore dresses again! You guys would be so shocked!
The next day we collected our little Hyundai coupe ..hmm.. realised that the description makes it sound a lot better than it was..teehee.. no.. to be fair it was a cute car but we had to stab the volume control with a key to make it go up and down! ghetto car! It was off to Byron, this time just us two.. we missed Pat as soon as we left and it sucked that he couldnt come with us! We checked in at Aquarius again and drove up to watch the sunset at the lighthouse! We went to have dinner at an Italian and then back to get ready for our night out. We chose the coldest night in Australia to wear our other dresses.. yes we have 2 each!! and headed down for our first experience at Cheeky Monkeys club! We got chatting to a couple English guys, Will and Matt. Matt is from Radnage near wycombe and Will is from Surrey. We drank lots of beer with them and danced on tables (as you do in this club) . We spent the next day on the beach and booking all of our activities and accomodation for the rest of Oz at Peterpans travel office. A good job done! We had so much fun but couldnt wait to get back to the Flat Of Fun to see Pat! We drove home ..hmm.. we will say the scenic route because somehow a 40 min drive turned into an hr and a half! We rented a movie and went to the supermarket and good old Mr.Fun with his cooking skills made us scrummy Fajitas!
The next day we drove to Palm Beach and spent the evening having a few drinks on our last night in the flat of fun. We had Jayne's ice-cream Birthday cake as we had kept forgetting to eat had to be there but all 3 of us were digging in with spoons and making a huge mess...we had sparklers and passion pop at the beach too! Very emotional last night!
The next day Lisa had to get the car back whilst Jayne packed up our stuff in the flat. Pat and Jayne picked Lisa up and we drove to Dreamworld, a theme park that so many people had raved about up the coast! well, it was ok..luckily it was really quiet sio we didnt have to queue much but the 3 of us came to a conclusion that we have all been spoilt with theme parks at home or on holiday!
Oh dear.. it was time to get our train to Brisbane and to say our goodbyes to Pat... so so so sad but hopefully Mr.Fun will be making an appearance in the UK sometime in the future.. Pat waved us off as the train pulled away and that was the end of the Flat of Fun!
We really miss you Pat!
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