It was the morning after the night before (the clipper afterparty)... there were many sore heads and we had arranged to take our very last Greyhound ride up to Cairns at 9am!!! nice organisation girls! So our last time 'riding the dog'...and we had th nicest driver in the world! Now on the Greyhound a) it is part of the job role for the driver to be rude, arrogant and obnoxious b) they are not there as a tour guide they drop you off safely and that is their job (fair enough)..This guy was fab..we stopped at lookout points on the way up to Cairns and he risked getting into a lot of trouble by making a seperate stop at the most gorgeous ice-cream parlour ever!!! get in!
So we arrive in Cairns 2 hrs late due to a car accident which blocked the road, made our way to the hostel, checked in and crashed for the night knowing that we wouldnt step foot on a Greyhound ever again.. well for this trip anyway! we calculated that in total we spent 103 hrs on the crazy is that!
Our first day was spent catching up with around 4 blogs so you guys could stop complaining about us being behind and having no updated gossip for you..That evening we had dinner in the bar downstairs with a French guy called Tony from our dorm..lets say Tony was lovely but is very good at depressing people around him..we felt so drained that we went off to do some washing and to hide as to avoid a whole drinking session with someone who would eventually make you think the world is just full of bad people.!
Woke up very early the next morning to get the 7.15am bus to the marina for our day snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef! Jayne was in a complete state thinking she was going to be eaten by a shark.. Lisa was cool as a cucumber until it was time to board the boat and went into nervous laughter mode (most of you have experienced this first hand I am sure!)..We had our briefin and made our way to our first snorkelling site.. a very small island which is also a bird sanctuary! there were thousands of birds. Another moment for Lisa to be eternally grateful to Elliott Wald who cured her bird phobia a few years back!.. So after laughing at each other for a while we were in the ocean kitted up taking it step by step backwards with flippers on! yeah it was a site..The first stop was amazing, beautiful coral, the water was so clear and there were some MASSIVE we had started from an island we were extremely close to the coral which was great!
We had a gorgeous lunch and relaxed on the boat until it was time for stop number 2...they stopped the boat right in the middle of the ocean with pretty decent sized waves and said "hurry up guy! we only have limited time here".. what we have to jump off in the middle of the ocean with huge waves and try and stay in our 'buddy pairs' which we had already worked out at stop ! that we were terrible at buddying up! So off we went again...We finally found Nemo and rainbow fish and Lisa tried very hard to catch the tiny blue neon fish! Not sure why.. bit of a challenge we suppose.. We proved again that we werent good buddies.. we couldnt stay together and when we did we kicked each other in the most of the time on stop 2 we spent laughing and having to take our snorkell off because, well...have you ever been in the middle of the ocean kitted out and having a laughing fit every 3 minutes! time to get back on the boat for the journey back to the marina.. the weather was fantastic.. imagine if you will....not a cloud in the sky..beautiful mountains with the sun beginning to lower and around 4 people puking off of the side of the boat! luckily none of the were us..teehee...Got back to the hostel and got ready to go out !
Had a great evening in PJ's and the 'Woolshed' ...watching Goldfish racing.. oh my life! There are 2 tanks a rep from each country and they are given a straw to blow the fish to the finishing line.. Lisa was disturbed until jayne said "they only have a 3 second memory anyway" which is when we both found it very funny! We bumped into Mike from our Fraser Family which was fab! and Freddie who we met on our whitsundays boat! such a great night! The next day was spent at the hostel pool and packing ready for our flight to Singapore..
We couldnt resist going out on our last night in Oz, there was definately need to have a last bundy or 2 or 3 to say goodbye... yet again we ended up in the Woolshed andsaw the girls who we met at surf camp weeks ago.. we had also bumped into the on Fraser so was great to say goodbye to them.. andjust before we left we went to the bathroom (i know you are thinking too much info but hold on) whilst Lisa was in a cubicle she noticed on the toilet roll holder "Laurie and Cheryl" oh dear girls very naughty.. but also very cool that a year and a half on I am sat on the same toilet as you laurie on the other side of the world.. hahahaha.. For those of you who dont know..Laurie and Lisa have known each other since they were born and Lauire went travelling with her friend Cheryl 18mths ago..! anyway, after that excitement it was time for bed and prepare mentally for the last leg of our trip in asia!!!
The next day we left Australia on a flight to Singapore very quiet and sad that 2/3 of the trip was complete ... bring on Jet star airways AGAIN!
see you all in Singapore..x
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