Back to San Francisco. I was quiet excited to get back to San Francisco although the place we were staying was in the Tenderloin. When we got there we walked over the Golden Gate Bridge which I was quite excited about because I didn't do that when I was there last. The place that is full of homeless people. I had decided I wanted to get my nose priced in San Francisco so asked Damien for a good recommendation. He told me to go to this place in the Castro (the gay district). Most of the girls came with me and Sharada wanted to get hers done too. We walked down there and it was a. It further than what I thought. When we got there the place only done tattoos but they directed us to another place it it was so expensive I decided not to get it done there and went to a place I saw last time we were there. I got mine done and was egging Sharada on to get hers done she decided not to because she liked the jewellery in the other shop but was too expensive. We had to get back pretty quickly because we were all going for dinner. We were going to get ready before we went because we were going out that night as well but that did not happen we were running quite late. After dinner we all went back and quickly got ready to go out. Sharada had seen that a DJ called Danny Howard (radio 1 DJ) was playing at this club so we decided to go there but wen to a few bars first. It ended up just myself, Sharada and Marian that ended up there. I got chatting to this guy who know Danny Howard and he said I could meet him. After that we went home and I carried on drinking in the hostel with some people I got chatting to outside. I went back to my room and grabbed some more drink along with my iPad. I put my iPad on the side of this window that was inside the hostel on the ground floor but it fell through. One of the guys said he'd hold my legs whilst I tried to reach through and get it but as I reached he accidentally let go it wasn't high at all but was bloody hilarious then he had to drag me back through because I couldn't get my leg high enough. I got to bed at about six am.
The next day we all had booked Alcatraz the girls tried to wake me up for ages but they just couldn't. At one point Belinda grabbed my hand and shock and apparently I lifted my head with my eyes closed and clapped three times she said it was hilarious and thought that was my way of telling her I didn't want to get up. I woke at at twelve but because it was so dark in the room I thought the clock was wrong. I looked around the room and no one was there I was so pissed off that I missed it! I decided to send my insurance claim form off for my phone. Once I wrote it out I went to find the post office as I walked into the centre there were thousands of people dressed up as santa's. I was so hungover still/still drunk it was so overwhelming I did not know what was going on or how to deal with situation. It was getting later and later and Damien was meeting us at the peri to get a catamaran to watch the sunset. I had to find a cash point and a taxi. I found a cash point, out of order quickly found another then hailed a taxi. Due to all these santa's the roads where worse than ever I was so panicked that I would miss this as well. Because I had been to San Fran before I knew where the peri was so was talking the taxi man what way to go, he was probably thinking what the hell! I got there just in the nick of time and found Bell pretty much straight away then saw Damien. We found the others not long after and whilst we were waiting to get on the catamaran Damien told us that we didn't have to be there for another hour I was not happy after racing around trying to get there but I saw the funny side. I also asked Damien about all the santa's he told me that is was santacon a day where people get dressed up as Santa and just get drunk, he hated it as did I at that point. Before we got on the guy that worked there told us there were fifty contiki coming. Now people on contiki tours are loud and just spend most their time drunk I was not looking forward to this after bloody santacon I've gotta deal with contiki people in a confined area all whilst being hungover! They were just as I imagined loud dressed in Santa costumes and god dam annoying! The trip lasted for about an hour and a half and boy was I happy to get off that. We all decided we would go for dinner and Marian found a really nice Italian not far from where we were. We walked down all of us in very casual day wear. I was in a hoody and trainers. I was the first to walk in and there was a table looking at me smiling all dressed I. Evening dresses and tuxes. I shouted oh my god it's way to posh their all in tuxes and the table heard I was so embarrassed! The woman that worked there came out and asked if we wanted a table so I asked were we not under dressed she said we wasn't but we had to wait in the lobby of the hotel that was connected until a table was free. After dinner we all went back to hostel for an early night to start our next part of the trip.
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