Day 8 - Berlin Sight Seeing!
Max out on touristy things- Today we did so much touristy things and walked so far! Ignoring the hangover, we got the train into the city and went straight to the Reichstag Building which is a massive German Parliament building. It was really beautiful but we couldn't go in. We had booked an appointment for 10 o clock that morning but had had far too many drinks the night before and slept in and missed it. Ooops! We then walked to the Brandenburg Gate which was just round the corner. It was a really nice square and a cool thing to see. After that we went to the holocaust memorial which is a strange place. It's a big open space in the city that is full of different heights of black concrete slabs. It's bizarre cause it's suppose to be a place of remembrance but it's filled with people taking rather inappropriate selfies and traffic buzzing by! We sat there for a while and then headed to check point Charlie! Totally pointless thing, everyone says "oh you must go" but it's literally a wee hut in the middle of a busy road with two soldiers outside. There's like a square metre where you can stand and take pictures which of course was full of Chinese tourists making peace signs and taking selfies. Apparently you can get your passport stamped but it costs you? So pointless! We then went to the Jewish museum which was very strange. We thought it would more based around the discrimination of the Jews during the war but it was the whole history of the religion. The architecture of the building was weird and confusing. They had dedicated a wing to the murdering in WW2 which involved a remembrance room. It was a really small corner of the building with 4 stories opened up to the roof with only a slit of natural light coming in. It was very spooky! There was also a garden which was built to make you feel disorientated like those who had to escape to another country. It was two slopes and had bumpy ground and was filled with columns much like at the memorial. It actually made you few sick so we left quite quickly. After that we got pretty bored and headed home! We were so tired.
Night out in the hostel- After a well deserved nap, we headed down stairs for food and a pint and ended up meeting in with the guys from the night before. They deffo enjoyed our chat as they seemed pleased to see us. After multiple drinks and a conferring of the nonsense from the night before, we headed out to a club which was right next to the hostel. Who knew clubs were open till 6 in Berlin? Yaaas! We danced all night and were very hungover this morning but what a laugh!!
Ps, the picture is my fav picture of the trip so far! This is us dying slowly in Berlin train station this morning! Hahaha!
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