Day.. Oh I dunno, 11?
Last day in Prague/ going to Vienna.
Today has been busy! We got up, went for some breakfast in Starbucks. I know, terrible to be eating in massive chains like that and it's been something we have been trying to avoid majorly but the Czetch are s***e at breakfast! No cafes/shops/bakeries on our lovely wee street offered anything of worth or more to the point, anything I deemed suitable for a breakfast (my brain still fancying a wee hash brown, some beans and a fried egg - I'm a vege remember). We then made for the main square in the centre of Prague where we had visited the night before. I had noticed an art gallery hidden beneath one of the many beautiful cathedrals that towered above us which had the name "Saudek", "Warholl" and Dali written on the front. I was determined to go and was not let down by the exhibition we saw. I had studied Jan Saudeck in higher photography and had became obsessed with his work and his life story however after 2 years of other things taking up my brain, I had forgotten he was Czech. His photographs are rather weird looking in from the outside but personally, I feel they are amazing! So much so, I took a lot of inspiration from many of his pictures to base my photography folio on. We had talked about going to see all three exhibitions but we had little money and no time left before the train. I was so happy to have seen these pictures, some I had seen and studied but a lot I had only glanced at on google images and had never really understood them. His brother Kaja Saudeck, also had his work on display in the same exhibition however I found it bizarre as it completely juxtaposed the collection of haunting, somewhat naively suggestive black and white photography of Jan with cartoon type art with big bold colours, all irrelevant from one painting to the next. I may be bias but it seemed rather clumsy of the gallery to put these together. After me fan boying the pictures over and over, we marched back through the crowds to our hostel. Prague is a very busy city no matter what time of day and we had happened to stumble upon the turning of the hour of the famous astronomical clock which is deemed a must see on the tour of Prague checklist. I knew what to expect as we had talked to many travellers on the way round Europe but as we couldn't get through the crowds of people, we had to stop, stand in the rain and watch the clock "do its thing". Now the thing being what can only be described as "sweet f**k all". Biggest anti climax on the trip so far however I did find it hilarious listening to a group of Americans standing behind us going "is that it?" "Do think it's finished?" "Surely that's not it".. They soon realised that their well earned 120 Czech Karona's spent on a rain poncho (don't even get me started on that) to watch this "amazing clock" had all been for nothing and now the real problem had began- getting out of the busy square. We picked up our bags and went to the train station to go to Vienna.
Ps, Burger King in Prague is crap. No vege burgers and no fanta. DISASTER!
Vienna tonight- Were away out for a curry and a pint and then probably bed cause we can get Netflix in our room and Becca is super keen to watch orange is the new black. Haha! We will explore properly tomorrow and I will be commenting severely on the journey/room in Vienna tomorrow when I have some more energy!
- comments
Auntie Spiv What a journey and experience x Eilz can't wait to see you guys x you're all having such a great experience x