Chris' Trip
We've got our camping sorted! We fly up to Sydney on Monday, stay in a hostel that night and pick up the van on Tuesday morning. Then we are driving to Byron Bay where we pick up Angela (the Canadian who we met in Sydney last time) and drive up the coast. It's about a 17 hour drive up the coast, but we have just over a week to get there so we can stop off along the way and have some fun - recommendations would be very welcome of places to go and things to see.
Going to an AFL game tomorrow night which I'm looking forward to - Aussie Rules is a great game and it's something I really wanted to do whilst we were here. We're also looking into seeing some more comedy on Sunday before we leave Melbourne. We met a friend of Keren's who used to live in Wycombe for two years which was nice. Had some good bagels and got rained on.
Tis lame that it isn't possible to get on MSN at the same time as people back home (due to time zone nastiness), but myspace is, as always, the saviour. Tis good hearing from people so please keep it up!
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