I have moved to the main part of town in Sihanoukville, as soon as I arrive I realise it is nowhere near as nice as the secluded Otres Beach. My guesthouse appears to be full of aged alcoholics who live here as it's cheaper than living at home. I have moved to the town for a reason which is because I want to try diving and all the dive clubs are in town. So on Tuesday I head off on a Discover Scuba diving day trip to Koh Rong Island. The morning i spent in the water near the shore with my instructor Martin, learning the basics to be able to go for a dive. In the afternoon we headed off on the boat and to go to a real dive site, which was around 8m deep. It may not sound like much, and when you return to the surface really isn't far at all. But when you are swimming down on the anchor rope to the bottom it feels like an awfully long way. During the dive we swim around for about 45 min and I got to see lots of fish including what looked like sharks about a meter long, but I'm assured they have no teeth and are actually fish. I had a great time diving but after surfacing, I didn't really feel the need to go and do it again particularly soon. So instead of doing my Open Water PADI, I am going to go on a Fun Buggy's tour instead!
The Fun Buggys company is run by Nikki and Shelley, 2 British girls who decided to start up a business in Cambodia with 4 buggys and a dirt bike. On the trip we drove around out of the town and through the countryside and villages, went to a waterfall and along the beach. There were 4 buggys out on the day; a New Zealand family of 4 and a couple from America. It was awesome so much fun! Afterwards the girls invited me for dinks and dinner with them and their lovely English Setter which was brilliant of them and had a great night.
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