Hi Christy, You are certainly getting around. The blogs and photos are just great. I love it when they come up, so glad there is all this technology!! Much love and hugs. Mum
Missing you like crazy Chrissy!
Wishing you all the best!
Hi little one , glad you are loving it still and enjoying your blog say hello to Sarah
Love dad xx
Maggie Sheppard
Reading your blog with great interest and admiration for your stamina. Not sure i could stand all the bus travelling .12 hours on a bus sounds horrendous to me! but then i am OLD!!!
Debbie Kendrick
Hey Chrissy, your blog is brilliant and love your photos too, catching up on your adventure while lying on the sofa on a Friday evening after a hard working week. It's really starting to feel autumnal here, trees are starting to turn and the mornings are chilly. Look forward to your next posts lots of love from Debbie & Lexie x x x
Hi Love, just found the message board - sounds like you are having a great time - bet you are a bit weary now. Lots of love Mum & Dad. X
John Forrest
Hi Chrissy. Sorry we missed your farwell from England. But we'll tune in to your blog with interest. Hope it all goes well.