Have finally arrived in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!!!!! Decent flight. Landed at the airport had a taxi driver classic! There was no way he was a taxi driver........
Finally made it to the Buddy Lodge!! Matt insists on spooning Chris in the bedroom but apart from that it's cool. Luke has a delux bit of wire to sleep on. Decent pool. Khoa San Road is crazy! Snapped up plenty of fakes already.
First proper day cruised to the Grand Palace. Boiling hot but quality to see. Left there where we bumped into the legend that's Verrel. Verrel gave us a tour round Bangkok on a Tuk Tuk that lasted half a day for 8p! Took us to the largest standing Buddha. Went to the TAT and sorted ourselves out a trip - Verrel slept outside. Went to a couple Jewel shops suit shop to get Verrel some commission. Blasted it to the reclining Buddha then back to the lodge!
Met up with Mr Haines that evening for an awesome night. Sukhumvit was were it was going down so hit a full range of bars - it turns out blue eyes and blonde hair goes down a storm out here!!!! - played some pool - MC and Chris lost to a girl (Hendry!!) - then went to an NCP car park for what has to be the most random night club we've ever been to. What a rave!!
Tuesday - MBK Shopping Centre - unbelievable.
Tuesday night: Thought we should do some exercise whilst away so treated ourselves to a bit of ping pong!! Luke hogged the bat and Chris hogged Denzel. Matt has got a black eye. None of us were expecting that shower scene. Singapore Slings went down a storm although the Dogs nose was a bit of a sour point.
Back to MBK to pick up what can only be described as a sexual healing penguin called Wendel. He is now in charge as he is clearly the most responsible. Luke's driving the train to the north. Choo choo. 12 hours here we come.
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