Chris, Luke, Matt, James And Now Danielle Go Round
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Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

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Iguazu, Argentina
Khan Deb these falls look extraordinarily amaizng! Wish we were there with you and Ray to share this journey. I cannot believe how many wonderful places I have become aware of just through LifePath Unlimited. The sky is certainly the limit when you are working your own business as you and Ray are showing us through your travels.

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Buenos Aires Part 2, Argentina

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Montevideo, Uruguay
Saiful Brazilians have much greater pnrihascug power, and they don't worry so much about spending when they're on vacation, one source told Dic3a1rio Catarinense. Punta is the destination of choice for Brazilians in the summer months, but Montevideo is now seeing the greatest influx the rest of the year, a trend we first spotted last Augustc2a0when MVD nudged PDE.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina
Purkeypine oh that is such a good question. right now i acltauly feel like some kids have stolen the signs on my path to hang in their dorm rooms. i guess now is that part of life where i just have to keep driving until i get to a sign, any sign, and it's not until then that i will know where i am and what direction to go. wow, this is a really great thing for me think about right now, so thank you for that!
Mariam The second part of the qisteuon (because I blanked on it apparently!) .I know that I'm not on the right path at the moment. I know that because I feel less confident about it than I did when I started this job, when it should probably be the other way around!I think I agree with Sam passion. It may not always be there, but if it's there more often than not, that's a good sign.
Joko great food for thought,thx ! I teravl to Viet Nam often,fantastic photo life.Thanks for posting. I want to make money like you do.Great pics.
re: Copiapo, ChileHendra Oh yes .I would love to travel and to see all of the AWSEOMEness that srrouunds this universe is lovely! I will be follwing and watching with open eager eyes .ONE LOVE PEACE Dovie!!!!!!!!
re: Paihia, New ZealandTianna . I don't have any issues with dyesrns like I get with soap. I also love the faint almond scent.It's hard to describe, it's not a shower oil the way most would think of a shower oil. It's actually a lathering cleansing shower oil and a soap replacement. When I first got a sample in my Christmas stocking 2 years ago I was expecting a typical shower oil and used it after soap. I thought it was odd that it rinsed off, so then I read the directions and information on their site.
re: Iquique, ChileAlbita real estate in major ciiets like BA, Rosario and Cc3b3rdoba, a trend we touched on back in August (Interior Motives)c2a0and confirmed during our October Expo in Rosario.c2a0Focusing locally on Buenos Aires, iProfesional
re: Cordoba, ArgentinaKhan Deb these falls look extraordinarily amaizng! Wish we were there with you and Ray to share this journey. I cannot believe how many wonderful places I have become aware of just through LifePath Unlimited. The sky is certainly the limit when you are working your own business as you and Ray are showing us through your travels.
re: Iguazu, ArgentinaFannie The quotes you pluled are a big reason why I love this book. I think they show how well Gilman is able to look back at this experience and treat her 21-year-old self with a sense of humor, without losing the sense of wonder she felt. It's a tricky voice to do, but I feel like she does it well..-= Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)b4s last blog .. =-.
re: Paihia, New ZealandArif ObbyThanks again for the contacts in South America, the trip would have been a lot less fun wiohtut your mates.We only made it to Pucon a then ran out of time-energy.I have found the people very friendly and helpful in Chile, the counrtryside is fantastic.
re: Santiago, ChileJohana Good day!This was a really quiltay post!I come from roma, I was fortunate to come cross your theme in googleAlso I get much in your Topics really thank your very much i will come daily
re: Buenos Aires Part 2, ArgentinaLevi MartaTake some puzzle pieecs. Paint them different Christmas Colors. Glue them together to look like a Christmas wreath. Glue a bow and an ornament hook to them, and hang them on your Christmas tree. They look very pretty! You can also give them to your friends or family members as agift.
re: La Paz, BoliviaMariam The second part of the qisteuon (because I blanked on it apparently!) .I know that I'm not on the right path at the moment. I know that because I feel less confident about it than I did when I started this job, when it should probably be the other way around!I think I agree with Sam passion. It may not always be there, but if it's there more often than not, that's a good sign.
re: Buenos Aires, ArgentinaAvinash I find it amazing that today, we sgrugtle with flooding and weather conditions etc. when the ancient people of Inca had found a way of coping with the problem hundreds of years ago! They should of written a manual to be passed down to property development companies of the 21st century. If only we could cope with weather like they could, it wouldn't have been such a catastophe with our recent heavy snow! I would love to visit the Inca ruins, the history behind it is so interesting.
re: Machu Picchu, PeruNatalia kumisan@udin adalah sonareg sopir tetap para pedagang h itu ia kesiangan..setelah jeput sana jeput sini .penuh jg mobilnya sm mbok2 langsung tancaapp..ditengah perjalanan salah satu mbok mintak si udin berhenti ,kty mau pipis..aduh mbok kita sudah kesiangan taukk ! wuues siudin nambah ngebutt aje bro kurang lebih 5 menit, tiba2 mubil si udin di salip ..sambil orangnya turung tegak pinggan seraya berkata..SIAP YG MELUDAHI SAYA TADI AAHH ORANGNYA KUMISAN si udin bingung sebab dia kagak kumisan malah simbok didalam yg senyum2 malu Hayoo
re: Singapore, SingaporeIvan (Hardcover) C'est magnifique!As a femorr student of Chef Walter Talmage, I was delighted to find a copy of Recipes for Success: A guide to advanced cuisine. My fellow students and myself knew that Chef Chaton and Chef Talmage were working on a book about culinary arts, however, some of us, including myself, never knew that the Chef's book was published. What a nice suprise to find it here at Although the book was copywrited in 1988, it has some wonderful and practical snippets of information for any level of culinarian. Chef Roland Chaton & Chef Walter Talmage have created a book that takes the reader through the beginning steps of proper kitchen etiquette, to the pinnacle of classic cuisine. This book is perfect for any serious cook or chef. I am glad that I was able to still find copies of the book in circulation. It is now one of my most treasured cook books. It is also a constant reminder that popular culinary trends come and go, but the classics never go out of style. A great tribute to the legacy of Chef Roland Chaton.
re: kaikoura, New ZealandPurkeypine oh that is such a good question. right now i acltauly feel like some kids have stolen the signs on my path to hang in their dorm rooms. i guess now is that part of life where i just have to keep driving until i get to a sign, any sign, and it's not until then that i will know where i am and what direction to go. wow, this is a really great thing for me think about right now, so thank you for that!
re: Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDanniiela Don't you hate it when technology eats your stuff? Email does that to me a lot. I'll write a long, iisrnped note to a friend and there'll be a technological hiccup that wipes it out. You just can't recreate the magic a second time. Thanks for the link!
re: Mendoza, Argentina- last visited

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Wallace Yes, you do need a license.Itb4s caleld CRECI you must do a course caleld TTI ( Te9cnico em Transae7f5es Imobilie1rias ).It does takes between 3 to 9 months to complete the course (it depends on you to pass at the 9 disciplines + 130hrs. internship).The course and fees cost around R$2.000,00