My beloved family and friends I hope that this blog finds you in good spirits and I pray that you will be blessed by reading through my latest adventures in Perth. The title of this blog sets the tone for this blog entry as obedience is a way of life for me these days as it should be for all Christians. As Christians we are called to be disciples of Jesus the Master. The Master showed us through the example he set in the 33 years that he lived on this earth that holiness is achievable and as Christians we are thus called to live a holy life.
For those of you who right now are wondering what on earth I'm talking about when I say holiness just read on a little a bit and I will briefly explain. To live a holy life is basically living a life of hating sin, having a fear of the Lord, desiring wisdom and discernment and walking out a humble lifestyle through all of your actions. But yet there are many Christians out there who will say that living in holiness is impossible. My friends that is a lie from the pits of hell and if I'm honest I believe that I'm living in holiness although I'm not perfect so when I do sin I make sure not to give it a foothold to the enemy so therefore I confess my sins immediately!! Sin is sin my friends and there is no sin that is worse than any other although pride in my opinion is the worst kind of sin and is my greatest battle but the Big Fella gives me the strength to fight this one.
The whole point of laying the foundation for this blog entry through in the last paragraph was to give you insight into what it means to live out obedience and through this obedience comes the incredible blessings from our Father in Heaven. I can honestly say as I write this blog that I have never felt so blessed in my life. Since I wrote my last blog so much has happened in Perth. Firstly one of my best friends stayed with Byron and I in our house in Scarborough for a week during which we had such an amazing time. We had a few good surfs, longboarded down 8 storey car parks numerous times and had a few house parties. Through this experience Byron and I witnessed to my friend in a powerful way how cool it is to be Christian and that you don't have to get drunk, get stoned and chase girls (which leads to so much rejection) to have an awesome time. As a result in Church on the Sunday morning after living with us for a week my friend received Jesus to be his Lord and Savior and has been stoked for Jesus ever since!
A week later when my friend was visiting us again I was walking on the beach when I felt God say to me to talk to the drunk man singing on the steps at Scarborough beach. In my joyful obedience I approached this drunken man with a big smile on my face and I interrupted him in the middle of some stupid drunk song to say hey bro my names Chris do you mind if I sit down to talk to you. As I got talking to him I dropped the Jesus bomb on him within the first sixty seconds. He immediately snapped at me saying that Christianity is an addiction like all his other ones and that he would only believe if Jesus himself hugged him. As he said this I heard the gentle voice of the Holy Ghost whisper to me saying to just love him and that he would do the rest. Therefore I did exactly this and I ended up inviting him up my house for a meal with my friends and I before going to a gig that night. It just so turned out that my new friend was a qualified chef and once he agreed not to drink any more I welcomed him into my house to teach me to cook a beautiful chicken curry for all my friends. After spending four amazing hours with Nugget he agreed to come to the Christian gig with us all that night and I managed to buy him a last minute ticket.
The gig was Will Reagan and United Pursuit who are my favourite Christian band at the moment. Nugget broke down half way through the gig and received Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. He turned to me crying at this stage of the night and I asked him if Jesus had just hugged and he said yes but just not in the way he had expected. My friend loved the gig also and it was his first time at any live worship and he could not help keeping his hands raised to praise the living God for almost three hours straight! I personally have never been taken so deep in Gods loving presence. I was so filled by his joy that at one stage I spent twenty minutes lying on the ground simply overflowing with his joy and love!! On this night I also made a new friend who has become very special to me but I will tell you more about her in my next blog entry.
Its now been nearly five weeks since this concert and after four weeks of discipleship and living in my house my friend Nugget has run away. I pray for him daily and I know God is taking care of him so I don't worry. He could not confront certain problems. He has the most powerful testimony I have ever heard that I will share with you all another time as it's a bit heavy and dark to be completely honest! He is back sleeping on the streets again yet he knows he is welcome home any time he is ready and we will welcome him back like the prodigal son in Luke 15. We love Nugget and so much healing has taken place so far but as we were going deeper it got too confronting for him and he could no longer cope. But he will be back as the Big Fellas has got too awesome a plan for his life to let him go. He is a walking miracle and I look forward to sharing more of his story in my next blog.
I have been blessed by the weather over the last few weeks also as the surf has been pumping here in Western Australia. Therefore I have for the first time since leaving Ireland two years ago gotten my surfing back to previous standard although not high but a good enough level to keep from getting frustrated. By the time I arrive back to Ireland in less than a month my surfing will be in peak for the summer swell in Ireland. Talking about going home I'm hoping to have my flights booked within the next few days. God is so good and is helping with my finances for my flights home to Ireland. I have been very blessed here in Perth through a number of Christian business men who love Jesus and have gotten behind me financially and prayerfully in my time here. I'm getting return flights to Ireland and I hope to be back in Perth around mid October which will give me almost five good months in Ireland. I cant wait to get home and share with family and friends all the amazing experiences that God has lead me on over the last 11 months since I was last home. In this 11 months I have been truelly blessed having visited six countries! God has performed numerous miracles in my life and my relationship with him which is the most important thing in my life is now stronger than it has ever been. Friends pursue a loving relationship with our Father in Heaven and your life will be so blessed as a result. That's all for now. Shalom:)
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