G'day family and friends from hot hot Oz! Been hitting the mid thirties lately and I got my first taste of burn on my stomach on Saturday on the beach. Other than the beautiful weather I have had an amazing two weeks. Although I did post my last blog only a week ago it was a week late hitting the net. In the last two weeks I have had teaching on the father heart of God and the fear of the Lord.
The Father heart of God week was taught by a man called John Bills who has been with YWAM for over thirty years. He has worked all over the world especially with people who have aids mostly in the developing world and in the gay communities in LA. He shared a number of amazing testimonies that revealed his unconditional love for all people as that is what our father God has for us no matter how much we have sinned. A scripture that stood out to me this week was 1 peter 5:7, " let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you". Our awesome God is constantly thinking uninterrupted streams of loving thoughts towards us. That is good to know eh, all you gotta do is open your eyes and ears to the truth to hear these loving thoughts from the big man upstairs. We must learn to love unconditionally and I have been praying into this regularly as through this we will be true representatives of our Father here on earth. True love is letting those we love be perfectly themselves, and not twisting them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we see in them. The real test of our love for God is how we treat the people right in front of us. We cannot truly love God while neglecting to love those who are created in his image.
Last weeks teaching was on the fear of the Lord which was taught by Shirley Brownhill who is the leader of the base. Fear of the Lord is not worldly fear but it is to stand in awe of God. Through this week we learned that through our obedience we can walk in holiness and humility. We finished the week with a big application session during which many people were set free of the fear of man which cripples so many people. When you fear something—or someone—you allow it/them to control you. As Ed Welch wrote, "Their opinions, possible opinions, attitudes, or withholding of love become YOUR master." It is very often tied into rejection which was largely the area that I have received amazing freedom from. In Psalms 118:6 it says "The LORD is for me; I will not fear; What can man do to me?"
During the last two weekends I have had a weekend of camping on a national park and sweet trip to the beach involving some surfing, bodysurfing and getting nicely burned. The weekend camping trip was amazing and one on the last morning a few of us got up at five for a sunrise canoe trip up the river. It was nothing short of stunning with steam rising from the river and the sun piercing through the trees that often formed a tunnel over the river. Last Sunday I visisted a new church in Perth called Church Without Walls. It was very enjoyable. It had amazing worship with plenty of people dancing up the front followed by an awesome message preached by the Pastor which I will try upload on my youtube page at some stage.
At evangelism night last Thursday we all went out onto the main street in Perth to worship as a base. We did plenty of weird dances too which drew in many curious onlookers who we then had the chance to share the gospel with. Funnily enough my old manager and the secretary of the company I used to work with rocked up in the middle of all the crazy dancing so I was able to get them involved and show them that Church can be fun. Through the night we saw a number of people saved and an instant healing of a girls back and neck. Later that night a few of us prayed for one of my friends on the Sports DTS who had been suffering with these horrible, calcium and arthritic lumps under his knees since he was ten. After around ten minutes of prayer Father G performed a miracle and completely healed his knees and the lumps disappeared. God is both good and cool.
As you can tell I have truly been having a great time here in YWAM. My foundations are going deeper by the day as I learn to walk in holiness and I continue to get refined. I still have no idea where Father G is taking me after I finish outreach but that's the walk of faith I'm on. All he tells me is that what is to come next is going to be even better. Talking about outreach we are doing a fundraiser on the 8th of December. Its gonna be a hikeathon and I will be emailing details out to people in the coming days. Any support would be highly appreciated. As always please let me know if there are any prayer requests. Blessings of peace and love.
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