Whats up whats up in the in the awesome name of Jesus Christ the forever living son of Father G. Its been too months since my last entry and this blog is well overdue at this stage so I apologise for the delay friends! Tonight I was blessed as I was taken to see the South Africa Australia rugby game here in Perth. It was a good game that the Ozzies ended claiming there own but the atmosphere was lacking. Nothing compared to when the mighty Irish beat the Ozzies during the world cup, I will never forget that game and the antics that went on after but thats a story for another day. I have been back in Oz two months at this stage and I have been living in Perth for five and half of those weeks.
For those of you who read my last blog you would of read my plans to work on the farm in Three Springs. I did this initially when I arrived, muelsing during the day and working in a bar in the evening. For those of you who dont know what muelsing is it is when farmers cut the tails and arses off their lambs. Its a bloody affair to say the least and I got sprayed in the face with blood a number of times. Unfortunately though my jobs didnt work out as planned in Three Springs and I got nowhere near the hours I had been hoping for doing the farm work. As a result I moved down to Perth and started a door to door sales job five weeks ago. One thing I forgot to mention was that I played an Ozzy rules game with Three Springs and although we got beaten by over a hundred points I really enjoyed it helping to set up a goal and smashing a few fellas too.
My time in Perth over the last five weeks has been a real blessing. I am living in a sweet house in which I have a double room, theres a projector tv, a pool table and a big bbq area out the back. The guy who owns it is a friend from Church and the other guy staying here is a cruisey surfer who is my Pastors son. He used to be a professional bodyboarder so looking forward to learning a few tricks off him! I have gotten myself involved in an awesome Church called Oceans Church which I have great fellowship something I was lacking in Three Springs. The church is full of surfers as is its sister church Cornerstone. My pastor has given me free reign to set up a surf ministry in the church. The idea is to go on trips with all the surfers from the church and to bring along our none christian friends too and hopefully get the chance to share the gospel on these trips. My vision of sharing the gospel is doing it in an enjoyable environment following the spirit rather than the old Bible bashing technique of the past that puts people of God more than anything. The first surf trip is coming up this weekend to Margeret River down south which is the best surf area in West Australia. Gonna be heading down first thing saturday morning and will be back for church on sunday evening. A Kiwi reggae band are playing on the saturday night so some of us are gonna go that while the rest may have a little beach party playing a bit of worship music on the beach, I cant wait!
Two weeks ago I went on a surf trip with Christian Surfers down to Denmark which is at the very bottom of WA. We went down on friday night after I had finished work and the 550km drive took us four and a half hours. That is almost the length of Ireland and considering we left sunday avo it was a long way for a weekend surf trip but so worthwhile. We were incredibly blessed throughout the weekend having perfect waves, beautiful weather, crystal clear waters and awesome company. I managed to catch some sweet as waves through the weekend and got to surf with dolphins on the saturday which is alway a pleasure! I have made some amazing friends through Christian Surfers over the past few weeks and we meet up every monday night for a bbq and bible study.
As I mentioned above I have been doing a door to door sales job in Perth for the last few five weeks. It is completly commisioned based which can make the job both awesome and difficult at times. I have had days when I have earned almost $500 and days where I have only earned $60. I have earned as much as $1400 one week but another week I only made $600 which still isnt bad. What is great about the job is that we get payed in cash every day from the sales we made the previous day. Father G has called me to this job very clearly though as there was times when I first started that I wanted to quit but he told this is where he wanted me working and through this job I would be blessed. I have had amazing opportunities to share my testimony on this job and I have had a number of opportunities to pray for people. That is largely why Father G has me in this job and through shining his light and keeping my eyes firmly fixed upon him everything else in my life will work out. A few testimonies I have from my job include how one night I had a bunch of my friends lay hands on me and pray for me that Father G would bless my finances incredilbly the following day and of course that was the day I earned almost $500, what an awesome God we have! Another time I was walking towards what I thought was a house and this guy started talking to me outside it before I had chance to knock. It turned out this place was a home for people with mental illness and the man I talked to had schizophrenia. He shared with me how he was a Christian and he allowed me pray for him after which he was feeling a lot better and I ended up having a good laugh with him. We brightened up each others days!
So far with my work in WA I have managed to pay off around half off my debt and I hope to have rest payed off within next three weeks. I am way behind the cashflow plans that I had hoped for coming over here of paying off all my debt and raising all the money I need to start in YWAM in October. Although I have a monumental financial hill in front of me to make it into YWAM for the course starting in October I am living by faith and believing that I will have money raised for the course. Through the almost nine months I have been Christian so far Father G has really worked on me to have an incredible level of faith and trust in him. He has blessed me numerous times over last few months for my faith in him. One example was him blessing me with the finances to get my plane ticket three days before I planned to fly back to Perth. I really feel in my spirit that I will start YWAM in Ocotober but if its the case that I dont raise the money then I can always start a course in January. My pastor is allowing me to share my testimony in both churches in a few weeks on which day I will do a fundraiser of some kind also to help raise money for YWAM. Aonther testimony I would love to share is that I started tithing financially for my first time three weeks ago and after I did it the first time that was the week I earned over $1400 at work. I have been tithing into different places every week wherever the spirit put on my heart from Christian Surfer to YWAM and my Church.
Its my sisters 18th on the 15th of this month which is coming up next sunday so I'm little upset to be missing that. I would love to have had the money to fly home and surprise her for her birthday. Emma know that I love you so much and I hope you have an awesome 18th party with Paul Martin next weekend. I hope your party is no where near as messy as my 18th. I tried sneaking friends over the walls of Reds night club who got refused entrance on the night of my 18th. Again this is a story for another day! To the rest of my family and friends know that I am praying for all of you and I miss you all dearly! As I said before I left Ireland it doesnt matter what you believe but what I believe and I have seen miracles through prayer from healing to financial blessings. Therefore please let me know if there is anything in particular you want or need me to pray for. Through Jesus nothing is impossilbe and the power of the Gospel is never ending! My family and friends I love you all, although not as much as the king of kings, Jesus himself loves you. Blessings of peace and love
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