Whats up in Jesus' awesome name! I am this blog to testify how awesome our Father God truely is. I find myself today miraculously sitting in YWAM Perth writing this blog. A little under a week ago I found myself facing a financial mountain close to $6500 which was made up of debt to banks in Ireland and my YWAM DTS course fees. Holding onto Gods promises I was not going to lose faith as I knew the Frontline DTS was the exact course that I was called to do. In faith I reached out to a number of people last thursday morning and by monday morning in the space of only four days God miraculously blessed me with over $4000. I am still holding onto Gods promise to clear all my debt as that was my number one priority to attend Ywam and to free me from that enslaving spirit. No mountain is too big for our awesome God, no river too wide, nothing is impossible and if God makes a promise he will fullfill it! For those of you who do not know me well I will give you a brief testimony below of my nine month walk of Faith during which I have had many trials but even more blessings!
Just over a year ago I started as a frontliner for Greenpeace in New Zealand campaigning against deep sea oil drilling, worshipping mother nature. Today I find myself starting the Frontline DTS in YWAM Perth worshipping the real God with a fire and passion that will never be put out! I worked with Greenpeace for three months during which I received a word of knowledge from an awesome women of God in mid October that triggered an intense spiritual journey that continues today. I had no idea that Jeanne was a Christian and over a ten week period between the day I met her and the 23rd of December I did a lot of spiritual searching. I looked into Hinduism, Buddism, meditation, Thai Chi, Yoga, manifesting things and had many encourters with psychics and new age spiritual people who said many different things to me. All this time my eyes were opening to a world I had no idea previously existed and I felt I had a whole new perspective on life. But ultimately I was seeking answers and more importatly truth. As a result I eventually found myself meeting up with Jeanne again on the 23rd of December in Stratford, Taranaki where I had initially signed her up for Greenpeace. After catching up Jeanne eventually brought me on a trip to Dawson Falls which is a big, beautiful and powerful waterfall located in the national park at the bottom of Mt Taranaki. It was here that she told to me to take all items out of my pockets and and stand almost beneath the waterfall and simply ask for the truth. Being a pretty weird person and after having gone through the craziest spiritual journey over the previous ten weeks I didnt even hesitate before marching over to the waterfall. Then while standing virtually under the waterfall I audibly called out for the truth. Suddenly it hit my heart and I heard a voice in my head saying that God is the truth and I am that I am. Following this incredible revelation of the truth a power that I had never previously experienced started stirring up in my stomac. Then I burst out laughing as I had an amazing sense of freedom, peace and joy fall upon me. This was made all the funnier as I had come from a Catholic upbringing believing in God to moving completly away from God. To him grabbing a hold of me with no one saying a thing to me about Christianity along the way.
All this time this awesome Holy Spirit filled women of God had been laughing also. I now knew the truth and the truth had set me free. Jeanne had never previously mentioned God or Christianity to me as she knew it would of caused me to push her away. I gave my heart to Jesus at that moment under the waterfall repeating the sinners prayer after Jeanne and I also got bapized in the Holy Spirit both speaking in tongues and prophecying. The following day Jeanne baptised me in a beautiful river in Taranaki. Over the following five months I was discipled by Jeanne and a number of others from the Wave Church in Opunake and the Presbyterian Church in Hawera. During this time God took away my passion for saving the planet and replaced it with a massive heart for the lost and a fire for Jesus that will never be put out. I went through many trials of only one I will mention in this email. My parents thought I was in a cult in my first six weeks as a Christian largely due to me saying some very stupid things to them over the phone about Freemasonry deliverance, returning to Ireland to save everyone and other silly things. I said these things at a period of time when I was away from my Chrisitian Fellowship during the first few weeks I was saved lacking any wisdom and common sense as a young Christian. The consequences of this lead to my mum crying down the phone to me begging my to return to Ireland, my Dad not being able to work and even a call from the head of the Irish Embassy in Auckland to Check on me in late January to see if I was alright. All this time God kept saying that I was not ready to return to Ireland, to have faith and stay where I was. I trusted God and in his timing when I was finally ready, he sent me home to witness to my family and friends. The end result has seen me return to Ireland in June for a month and my relationship with my family and friends is better now than ever. One of many testimonies from Ireland was that my parents wanted me to see a psychlogist before I returned to Australia as they thought I may be manic and my dad said a few other painful things to me also but I received them in the knowledge that my Father God would heal my broken heart taking me into a deeper relationship with him. As my dad was saying these painful things to me I heard the calm voice of God inside my head saying what the enemy means for harm I will use for good. This certainly turned out to be the case as I got to share my testimony with my local doctor, a junior and a senior psychologist and seeds were planted by the Holy Spirit in all three. I was proved to mentally sound by all three of them and as a result I got to honour my parents before I left Ireland.
Six months ago I was half way through reading the Loren Cunninghams book is that really you God? Around the stage that I was half way through the book before which I had never heard of YWAM, God started to make it clear that I was to move to Perth. This was confirmed by my fellowship and also by God as all doors to extending my visa in New Zealand kept closing in my face. My heart is to be based out of NZ eventually but not just yet. It was during a ladies prophetic weekend that God finally revealed his plan for me. I was helping out in the kitchen when Jeanne invited me to come in to get given words. After a number of the ladies had encouraged me with words and prophecies Jeanne told them all that I was planning on moving to Perth but I had no fellowship over there. The leaders of this particual weekend were Rob and Lyn Packer of XP Ministries NZ. Rob Packer immedialtly stood up to tell me that he had some great contacts in the YWAM base in Perth. As soon as he said this I knew that YWAM was where God was calling me to go. I moved to Perth at the end of May and had ten days here before returning to Ireland for the month of June. The moment I first visited YWAM Perth I knew this was where God was calling me to be. I had never felt more welcome and at home in a place I had never visited before. I attended one of their friday night meetings a few days later during which I heard angels singing in the middle of their powerful and annointed worship. I had never experienced over four hundred young people on fire for God worshipping together in perfect harmony and it was nothing short of amazing! I also managed to meet Sven on my second visit to YWAM who is the leader of the Frontline DTS to which I felt God was calling me to attend. This was further confirmed when I met Sven as my heart and spirit immediatly warmed to him. I could not wait to start and it was still six months away at that stage.
After my incredible visit to Ireland which was the best holiday I have ever been on I returned to Perth in the second week of July. God initially lead me to a little farming town called Three Springs a few hours north of Perth but I only lasted a little under three weeks up there as work didn't quite work out, lack of fellowship and more importantly a call from Father God to move back to Perth. On moving back to Perth I was immedietly blessed with a job. The job turned out to be a door to door sales job selling vouchers for a car servicing franchise in Perth. The job was totally commisioned based but God promised me many times that through this job I would be blessed and I would have enough money to pay off my debt in Ireland and YWAM. More importantly though I knew that God had called me to this job as an evangelical training ground. Before I was saved I had a lot of sales experience also which helped me in this job also. This job served to be exactly what God promised it would be. I was able to share my testimony, pray for healing, love and shine Gods light with many people every week. But the job itself turned out to be an incredibly tough trial over the ten week period. One week I earned $1400 but most other weeks I was earning between $500 and $800 which was making little dent on the financial mountain I was facing between YWAM and my debt. The financial mountain I was initially facing was made up of $4500 in debt, $3500 in YWAM course fees and a further $4500 in YWAM outreach fees. This came to a total of $12500 that I had hoped to raise myself through 12 weeks of hard work in WA before I started in YWAM. I hoped to raise it myself largely because I was not comfortable asking for financial help from others. As we all know it is easier to tithe and give than it is to receive.
Father God had other plans though as I found myself last Thursday morning on the 4th of October still a little over $6000 short of paying off my debt and raising the money for the YWAM fees excluding the outreach. I was holding onto Gods promises though through praising God that morning but I must say my faith was on shaky grounds. Then God put it upon my heart to contact a number of people who I had met over the previous three months in WA. I can't deny that I found it incredibly difficult to make these calls as there is a devil out there that did everything to try and stop me. But in faith and obedience I made the calls and today a week later I find myself having being blessed with almost $5000 in the space of a week. How awesome is our God? My faith has been taken to a whole new level and I am trusting in God's promise to completly have my debt payed off and support for my YWAM outreach that I start fundraising for from here out.
From the very first moment I became Christian I have been on a walk of faith. A revelation I recieved only very recently was that I had the faith to walk almost under the waterfall believing that I was going to get the answer to the truth. God asked me to put him before my family in my first two weeks as a Christian which in faith I did. Subesequently I was put through a very difficult trial but one hundred times the blessings have been coming my way since and my relationship with my parents is stronger now than ever. God has called me to a walk of faith and in obediece I am following him joyfully praising him every step of the way. I want to first of all thank God for my salvation and all the miracles he has pulled off in my life and for never leaving or forsaking me. I also want to thank all of you for being such an incredible support to me as without your obedience to our Father I would not have made it where I now find myself. An analogy I love by Danny Silk is that Christians compare to the Redwood forrests in northern California. United they are incredibly strong as their shallow roots cling to each other for support. They cannot be blown over by the ferocious pacific winds yet when they are isolated these giant and ancient trees can be blown over easily. When Christians stand together in support of each other we are a force never to be reckoned with as we have the power and love of God flowing through us. Yet if we are isolated there is an enemy out there who comes to kill, steal and destroy us. I hope I can continue to be supported by all of you and I hope my testimony can encourage how awesome are Father God Truelly is!
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Byz Good on ya brother, praise God for his amazing Grace, love and redemption hey!