It was extremely hard to wake up this morning, but its a good job we did! We went down for breakfast agin, which consisted of us eating the equivalent to bread again… Nobody had told us weather the school were picking us up or if we were walking over by ourselves. A small group of us gathered at 8:15 but nobody was there to pick us up so we decided to walk. We thought the rest of the group had gone already because nobody was answering their doors. Turns out they were sleeping.
Anyway the minority of us arrive to find that the 8 people we thought had left already weren't there. So after a slight panic Iris phoned the Hotel and we eventually woke them up and they came strolling into the class a while later. I don't think Mike was happy about this. Anyway lessons again were really fun and we learnt a lot again. Dinner was the same as yesterday in the school Cafeteria. But i didn't feel like much today.
After lunch Mike was taking us to the Forbidden City, which it turns out I had already been to with Harriet on our first day. So Mike had already asked if i wanted to stay and rest my foot because we were walking miles to it and he thought all that walking would make it worse. At first I wanted to go, but after realising I had seen it, I decided to stay and rest.
I washed my clothes in the bath because I didn't bring enough clothes! Haha I had packed for four days in Beijing, not nine as we were told four. But the weather is so nice and hot here, you sweat so much that you cant wear your clothes twice until you've washed them, so thats what I did. they are currently drying, so not sure how well thats turned out.
I also did a hot treatment on my ankle, which is literally putting it in warm water for 20 minutes and then elevating it. Its supposed to bring the swelling down, which i think it is doing slowly.. but we'll see.
At the moment i'm currently waiting for everyone to return, so its been pretty boring!
So upon everyones return, we have no decided to order a Mcdonalds. They deliver here in china so this should be pretty entertaining! :)
Turns out they only delivered 5 meals, and cancelled the rest…. Luckily my meal was one of those five so i'm happy! On the down side, I have been resting my ankle all day and now i cant weight bare and Im in a lot of pain! So Mike my rep is adamant were going to hospital tomorrow.
Fith day in China - rested all day long, wasn't late to class.
- comments
Michelle Dunning Did your washing turn out ok lol xx