Had a bit of a lie in this morning and headed on our way to Lake Mahinapua. On our way we first stopped to go for a nice coastal walk which took about 20 mins before heading onward. On our way to our next stop we travelled along a road that is rated in the top five scenic drives in the world!! Was great, just wanted an Aston to do it in! We stopped a few times for pictures and then stopped for lunch so once again had a cafe lunch!
The next stop on route was to get food and more importantly to sort out a fancy dress costume for the night. We all went mad going around this town looking for stuff to use. We are all backpackers so it was no big spending! I just got a white T-shirt I could wreck.
We got to the hostel and realised it was shocking! The worst accommodation we've had yet, so the mood wasn't great.we just wanted to get out so went for a walk to the beach and got a fire ready for later. In all fairness to the hostel we did have a massive dinner with steak and potatoes and pasta which was nice. But not even close to making up for the pee smelling room!
After food we all sorted out our costumes! I dressed up as a homeless dude! I wrecked my T, put mud all over me, borrowed a hat and wore Lindsey's cut jeans! Lindsey was then my pet dog! We had a lead and a ball for her, it was great! People did such a good job considering we have no money! There was a scarecrow and lion, a bride and groom and two girls even dressed as the Kiwi Experience bus! Harry went for a hula girl, and more worryingly, he pulled it off!
After a good bit of dancing and acting homeless we all went down to the beach, took a match to the fire and chilled. It was a really cool night. I went to bed early for 1 as I didn't fancy too much of a late night. We really did make the most of a bad situation! Really don't want to leave these guys!
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