Week 21- Australia (Fraser Island) Day 2
Yet again we had another early start although we were all pretty much awake after a huge thunderstorm! Myself and Wendy were a little sore after polishing off 4 litres of goon! Simen came around with his didgeridoo at 6am to get us all up and ready for our day. When we got out of tents we soon realised it was actually a beautiful day! So we all got ready as quickly as we could (although I was still running around in my PJs when the car engines started, whoops!).
We drove straight down the beach to the shipwreck- The Maheno. This was washed up to shore when it was being towed to Japan after being sold for scrap. A cyclonic storm snapped the two chain and the Maheno drifted onto Fraser Island. It was amazing to hear stories about how Mark (owner of Dropbear) used to camp on it as a child and also how his father took the flooring up when it first appeared for the flooring in their house! It was originally a very fancy boat.
We then went to the Champagne spray pools, luckily we got there a little bit earlier than the other group so we could take in it's beauty before it was crowded. The waves crashed over the rocks forming white bubbles hence it's name. The water was freezing cold but we all jumped in, it was quite refreshing after a while. We also sat up on the rocks enjoying the sun but I managed to get nipped on my bum by a crab!! It was so funny!
Indian head was our next stop, it was a bit of an uphill scramble to get up there but it was certainly worth it. The views were incredible and we were luckily enough to spot two whales passing by which was a nice touch to our day! Simen gave us some more stories then we headed back down. We had lunch- delicious wraps then headed to the three pinnacles. This was a place sacred to women.
The part of the day I think we were all looking forward to most! Eli Creek- this was so much fun and such a chilled afternoon in the sunshine. The water was absolutely freezing yet again but we all got in shrieking then floated down the creek. It was fresh water so we also had a drink! We managed to borrow some blow rings and a little boat so we had fun going down on them too. We then spent the afternoon relaxing on the beach sunbathing listening to music. Some of the others were playing volleyball and there were a few other groups there so we had a good laugh!
All the cars had walkie talkies so we had lots of banter between the cars sending funny messages and singing for each other! On the way back one of the other cars broke down. As we were in Simen's car we darted back to see what was wrong. When we got closer they had managed to get it moving again. Stephen the lad who was driving was German and spoke very little English. When Simen asked him what was wrong he replied 'I drive' and drove off before Simen could respond- we were all laughing SO much. It was a very comical moment.
It was dinner time by the time we got back and we had steak!! We wasn't expecting that- and it was super yummy! After dinner we all headed down to the beach with the sleeping bags and laid on the sand star watching! WOW. I have never seem anything like it- I was left speechless. You could even see the Milky Way, definitely the best view I have seen. Simen pointed out some of the main stars. It was such am incredible evening. Mike also did a cool performance juggling multicoloured balls that lite up. There were a few funny naked runs along the beach and sparklers to add more entertainment to the night. Myself and Brad ended up falling asleep under the stars and woke up about an hour later. We were then too cold so headed to bed. Some of the others including Gem and Wendy stayed up to see the moon rise at midnight- they said it was amazing! All in all today was one of our highlights of Oz!
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