Had a good day, I see this lady in he waiting room. She tells me she has pain in her stomach. I sit with her and comfort her, hold her hand and listen to her story. She tells me all about her family and her son. How she was a Maasai and went to school got educated and certificates. She was working as a hotel manager before she got sick. She tell me the sick is inside not outside ( anxiety type symptoms). She tells me god is good and I have to reply all of the time. She thanked me for talking to her, gave me a hug and called me my cheree. I was touched at how she appreciated my warmth. After she had counselling session she came to clinic. She was scared to have her treatment and she asked me to help her as she was scared. I held her hand and reassured her. She accepted treatment and thanked me for being there for her. Moments with people here are special
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