Wednesday, May 21st 2008
This morning we had breakfast, worship and then our morning Bible study.We studied how on our own we have no righteousness.We need to accept the righteousness that God offers us and he will clothe us in his righteousness. When "we" try to be righteous it only brings condemnation. Condemnation comes from satan and is meant to tear you down. Condemnation continually points out what a failure you are, and how badly you've messed up. Condemnation is showing you the problem, but avoids giving you a solution. When we accept God's righteousness it brings conviction. To convict means to convince you of the truth. The Holy Spirit convinces you of your goodness and causes you to want to do your best to please God. The Holy Spirit will use scripture to teach you - that is why studying the word of God is so important. In the last few years I have gone from living under condemnation to living under conviction.Life is so much better when you live under conviction and not condemnation - now I desire to please God because he loves me and not because I am afraid of being punished.
After worship we prayed for more than an hour.Before we had started praying I poured myself the last full cup of coffee because I was very tired. After I was still and prayed I was refreshed and did not need the caffeine so, I let Harry have my coffee. It had brewed all morning so if I would have consumed the coffee they would be peeling me from the ceiling. I still have not taken anything for a headache (or even had a headache).I have not had any caffeine or artificial sweeteners since I have been here.I did have caffeine once when we participated in a cultural experience and I did not want to offend our host and once at the German coffee shop. After prayer time we were assigned various tasks around the mission to do after lunch.I had to work on a computer in the clinic - it was dead and still is dead and probably will remain dead because it is 9 years old.I also worked on Betty's laptop and fixed a few software issues with it.
This morning I was divinely inspired to clean my room. Matt and Christian would have been proud of my mess I had managed to make in a week.It was good I cleaned my room because Emma, Virginia and Pam rearranged the towel and linen closet in my and Steve's room this afternoon.I was glad they did not see my mess.It is all straight now I plan on keeping it clean.
Several of us including Emma and Virginia went for an afternoon walk.We stopped at the smoothie stand to get a Brazilian smoothie.We had a lot of difficulty communicating what type we wanted.The spoke no English and we spoke no Portuguese.One of them spoke French and Emma had taken French - back when I was still in diapers. So the French was not much help either.I just ordered what they did. Then we had a pleasant walk around the neighborhood and stopped in a few shops to see their crafts and such.
We had a wonderful supper of fried chicken, rice and beans. Afterwards we prepared to go the Wed service in the mission here.We had a great service.It lasted two and a half hours.They sang and then we sang and then Betty preached.It was a good service and we prayed for and anointed them afterwards.There have been some problems with personality clashes in the church and we hope our messages helped bring some healing to the church.I did not take any pictures today so there will not be any new ones on the blog.We go to Rio Bonito tomorrow so I should take some new pictures.Please keep praying for fresh manna for us (I re-wrote my teaching this afternoon) and thank you for all of your sacrifices. Love, Bobby.
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