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Lizzie Congratulations Chadley! Enjoys your R & R and say hi to Elaine for me.
re: R&RLizzie Just stunning.
re: 30km walkLizzie Superbly installed.
re: 27 kmJohn Edwards You should just about be back home in Melbourne by now - few hours sleep then up for work. I admire your stamina, I have to say! Good to catch up again, really enjoyable few days. Aus + NZ firmly on the to-do list now, including a few days in Melbourne, of course. We'll contact Elaine one Saturday before Christmas about going round the shops in Altrincham while I'm at the game. Good win for United at Everton yesterday. Sad news about Howard Kendall, though maybe not surprising, given his alcohol consumption. Phenomenal drinker. Anyway, email back if you get a minute. Cheers for now, John.
re: Leaving Paris for MelbourneEJ The underpants incident... Well that would never have happened if .... Lol. Just saying!
re: Palas de Rei to Arzua. 28.9kmChris Hadley G'day. I expect to arrive at the apartment mid to late afternoon. I had hoped to have some laundry done and have my beard trimmed but as it is a bank holiday in Santiago today neither of those happened. So you will probably be able to smell when I land at Orly. Enjoy your evening in the city of love! Nudge, nudge. See you tomorrow. Yay. I am going out for my last night of vino Tinto in Espana. I've enjoyed a day without a back pack!
re: Final day into Santiago de Compostela 21kmChris Hadley Either you have been drinking or prescriptive text is working overtime! Anyway, thanks for your kind words. I don't know about more spiritual and my visit to the cathedral today didn't sway me that way I am afraid. However, a couple of cops of vino Tinto calmed my nerves. I will endeavour to keep you up to date in Paris and apparently we do have wifi in the apartment. Weather forecast is pretty cold so I had better rug up. Look after yourself. Love, Chris Xxx
re: Final day into Santiago de Compostela 21kmJohn Edwards Good effort CDH! Just arrived in Paris. Will try and contact you in the morning.
re: Final day into Santiago de Compostela 21kmPat. newlove Well done!!!!!! Can't tell to how proud iambic you. This trip seems to have made you a bit more spiritual. Relax now and have a great time in Paris. Keep up with the blog whilst you are there so I know what you are doing. All my love, Paradoxes
re: Final day into Santiago de Compostela 21kmJohn Edwards Last lap, matey. The finishing line beckons, as does Paris. Trust it goes well.
re: Arzua to O Pedrouzo. 19kmChris Hadley I had a beautiful lunch today having arrived earlier than I had anticipated. And will be enjoying my dinner too. Of course I will have a cream something or other for you. Although I have to fit that in with pain au chocolat for Ella. Yes, one day and walk to go. I am hoping to arrive in Santiago at lunchtime, depending on the weather which is not looking promising. Is had visions of getting to the cathedral and sitting in the square but that might not be possible but we will see. Feeling good and no blisters, pulled muscles, etc. Probably just need a few days where I am not continuingly opening up the backpack and putting everything away again. Glad everything is ok with you. Catch up soon. Love Chris Xxx
re: Palas de Rei to Arzua. 28.9kmChris Hadley On her sheet I am down as Australian and I am traveling on my Australian passport. This will be particularly useful in Paris as the French a re much more friendly towards Australians than the Eeeenglish! As for my dining attire. I probably smell better in my jocks than in my clothes which haven't been washed for some time. At least with underpants they can be worn 4 times: inside out and back to front. Job done! Enjoy those thoughts.
re: Palas de Rei to Arzua. 28.9kmPat newlove Sounds a great dinner to me! I love fresh, crusty bread! Glad you are approaching the end and without any catastrophes! Life Silverthorne very mundane or welcomed as boring. Although don't suppose you will get back to a clear desk. If you are visiting any patisserie in Paris will you have one fort me, please? I don't eat cream so you can enjoy it for me. keep in touch and good luck for the last few kilometres - I am able to adapt better than John!
re: Palas de Rei to Arzua. 28.9kmJohn Edwards Glad to hear you dress for dinner. What's all this about 'wierd Australians'? Thought you were a Mancunian! A wierd one, maybe, but Mancunian, nonetheless. That poor woman will be mentally scarred for life now ...
re: Palas de Rei to Arzua. 28.9kmChris Hadley Regarding the culinary front. It's well known in the sporting circles that the body needs to be fed appropriately. Regularly and with good food to make it work at peak efficiency.t The fact that I don't have a body which is quite in tune with the good food being consumed is of no concern of mine, and shouldn't be yours either. Suffice to say the food had complemented the trip and it has all been a fantastic experience. Yes, drawing to a close now but a few curly ones still to come. However, seeing the sign showing less that 100km was heartening. I have been reading about Liverpool and Jurgen Klopp etc.. Think United have to concentrate on getting their game together consistently before even thinking about the rest. I Skyped Elaine earlier this week and she is looking forward to Paris too. Looks like my new phone is working but my old one is still working: 0448123257 which by my reckoning should be 01 448123257 when in Paris. The weather earlier this week was torrential and I have now succumb to a cold. Other than that all is well and the weather has started to improve. Apparently it was 34 in Melbourne the other day! Sorry, you will have to get used to km, and, don't forget they drive on the other side of the road! Bye for now, Chris
re: Rest Day