So it's about 5 o' clock on a beautiful summer day. I'm sitting in the office killing time until dinner at 5:30. Tony Tereza and I finished work at about 3:30 today. They're the new housekeepers from the Czech Republic and are staying here until April. We also got another addition to the Grottage. Sam who is my age and grew up in Kenya and staying for about a month after he finishes painting the buildings for the summer. The lifestyle here is pretty slow but time still goes by quickly like anywhere else. Already a month has come and gone and it feels like I just got here..while still feeling like I've been here forever. What I love about this place I think I've finally got out of a lot of my old habits from home. Just the anxious, rushed, always busy sort of life I was living berfore. It's a bit odd to come to that realization and then find that you really don't have to do everything right away and you can take your time. Of course thats pretty easy to say when you don't actually have to worry about much other than getting to work on time or when you'll bother to go into Twizel next.
Well it's about dinner time now...text takes awhile to load on this computer so bye for now and I'll try and get another update soon
Love Jazmine
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