I just came back from jungle training- four days of trekking, sleeping in a hamock and general survival skills. We stayed at two different camps the forst of which was situated 2,5h away from the base camp. The trekks were hard. The air is really thin and humid and it's generally hard to breath which makes walking quite hard. The hills are many and muddy and I'm suprised no-one has twisted an ankle.
Looking back it was a really good experience but when beeing in the middle of it I just wanted to get out of there. It feels like I'm moaning alot but when you have to walk for two hours without water because they didn't bring enough water purification pills, or when you're soaked and can't get a fire going because everything is too wet which equals no lunch I feel that I have the right to moan. I've learnt alot! Not at least how much I appretiate a shower no matter how cold it is. Or how amazing it is to have drinking water straight from a tap not having to carry 25 litres for 0,5 km up a muddy hill and then wait for the purification tablets to kick in or wait for it to boil on the fire that might take two hours to get going.
My phone is not working up here so this is the only way I can communicate. I will be at the base camp for another week trying to learn the bird songs I need to know for my dissertation. After that I'm heading to a village a short walk from here where I meet up with the bird team. After that I'm spending two weeks in two different camps on the other side of the forest before returning to the base camp for data analysing which will be my last week in the park. I already know a guy who lives in La Ceiba- a nice city on the north coast- who said he would take me and some americans out fishing. I've looked it up and there's loads of nice hotels and an outdoor market.
I've meet loads of nice people here and it's amazing to see how people survive in these conditions. Their skills and knowledge about the forest is brilliant!
I love beeing here but I do miss home. Your summer is probably warmer than mine although it is quite amazing when the clouds suround the forest. Can't wait to see you all soon.
Love Cecilia
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