Let me know about you and enjoy your time wherever you are!
Hear you soon!
un beso Yuri
Cee!!! I just read your last blog, I guess you will be back ion the UK pretty soon. I'm actually just green with envy at your adventures, what a wonderful place! What an amazing time you seem to have had! I'll get revenge though, I'll make you jealous when I go to Hawaii........HA! Just now its very quiet, lots of reading to be done. You made such a good project to go out there Cee, well done.
Safe home, see you.
Chris x
Hej Cee!
Hur är läget med dig därborta ? Inget nytt att berätta på bloggen ? Är det avslut på projektet nu ? Har dina planer ändrats något ?
Här hemma är det semester - inne på sista veckan nu. Blandat väder - inget för badstranden med ok ändå. Det blir mest att jobba i trädgården, måla lite möbler och väggar och slappa däremellan.
Nu rärknar vi dagarna till du kommer hem.....
Bamsekramar från oss och hoppas att du får en bra avslutning
HELLLLLO! Well my week so far has been a bit crazy. I went to Exeter on tuesday to see Luke, and had a cool time. He graduated on wed so was all over the place! Yesterday i saw the new harry potter film with my mum, it was long but I REALLY enjoyed it! Today my sister came over for the day. She stopped teaching on tue for the summer hols, so she came over and we watched a film, made a pie, went for a walk, did a face pack and just got on which is impressive for us! Inbetween that i have been working :-( ah well at least its money.
Hiya sweetie pie! Just read your blog and sounds really interesting! Hope your beetles are going well. I'm in Lima, done the Inca Trail which was amazing, off to Iquitos today...! Finally! so in 2 days I'll be on the boat! ca't believe it is really happening.!
Keep working hard and enjoy yourself. After all that planning eh?!
Look up my blog carokelday... Big hug and see you end Aug xxx
Hej C! eller Cee som det skrivs numera :-)
Vi ar tillbaka fran Ty och har haft det jattebra. Inte basta badvadret de forsta dagarna nar vi hade chansen, men varmt - hela tiden - och en del "raining cats and dogs".
Har tankt pa dig flera ganger under veckan vi varit borta och undrat hur det ar med dig. Har nu last din senaste blogg :-)
Vilken grej med tradklattringen! Tarzan - slang dig i vaggen :-)
Jag hoppas verkligen att du ar flitig med att ta kort - pa allt omkring dig !!!!! Jag ar sa nyfiken att jag snart spricker :-)
Men jag ar fortfarande lite orolig for din tid pa egen hand i Honduras. Senast idag i tidningen stod det att medlarsamtalen brutit samman och man nu befarar inbordeskrig. Please please please var mycket medveten om riskerna nar du sedan drar vidare.
Hoppas det gar framat med dina "skit-baggar" :-) och att du ser resultat. Jag begriper inte riktigt din uppgift med dom, sa du har massor att beratta nar du kommer hem.
Onskar dig fortsatt lycka till med allt. Vi foljer dig hela tiden.
Massor av kramar fran oss
Oh cecilia, your breaking my heart, your breaking my something something!
(its a song)
I hope you are okay lovey! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hej hjärtat! Du gör mig riktigt rädd med din trädklättring. Se bara till så att du är synnerligen fastbunden. Du har ju fått massor av brev på den här loggen. Hoppas att du mår bra och att du längtar efter oss lika mycket som vi längtar eter dig. Låter bra att du förlänga din vistelse hemma. Snart är vi där. Stora kramar från farmor o farfar.
Hej farmor :)
Tradklattringen var himla kul men lite laskig. Jag stannar som sagt hemma till den 29e augusti istallet for till den 24e. Kanns som att jag behover 5 extra dagar sa att jag inte bara stressar igenom hela veckan for att forsoka traffa alla. Langtar efter er sa himla mycket! I borjan var det inte sa farligt men nu tanker jag pa er alla atminstonde flera ganger om dagen. Mindre an en manad kvar nu. Jippiiii!!
Manga kramar,
Hey hun,
I'm sooo glad to see/hear that you are having fun! It must be an amazing experience!
I look forward to seeing pics and hearing about your adventures!
Take care, see you when you get back xx
Thanks hun!
Will be back for your birthday- I promise! Take care xxxxxxx
Hi sessall its lee from the crown i see your having a great time i leave friday but i will keep an eye on your travels all the best lee x
All the best to you and good luck with everythng! Hope to see you soon again! You'll have to come back to Egham and visit! :)
Hello! Cee I just remembered the address for this site! Just been reading some of your blogs, sounds like its really hard work and you had some difficulties, but what an amazing place to be.........just a little bit jealous! You had to change project? Well done for doing that, its really brave! Beetles are cool though, there is a guy in our department who studies them from the past 10,000 years, they are so diverse! I don't know what you are doing with them but it must be cool and interesting because they seem pretty cool and interesting!
I heard a little about the politics, I guess you guys are well looked after and maybe things will be quieter when you have to leave.
No jungle to camp in here, but I'm back in Scotland for a week or so to visit family and friends. Its nice to be out of London and to have fresh air and space! Not heading anywhere fun this year, but might do some island hopping with my sister on the west coast.
GOOOOODDDDD LUUUCCCCKKKKK CEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! my best to the beetles too!!!!!
Chris :) x
Good to hear from you! It was hard in the begining but I'm all over that now. It is a cool place to be and the dung beetles are fine. It's nice to be in carge of your own project. At least ow I know what I'm doing and have everything under control.
Going to Scotland seems fun enough! I might extend my stay in Sweden since one week is too short considering I haven't been home for more than 6 months and will prob not be back until christmas.
Are you going to be in Egham when I get back? If not we'll catch up in Sep. Take care and enjoy that mud!