Desde la selva de Cape Trib regresamos a Cairns por una noche donde yo collapse en cama con fievre y tos, y desafortunadamente no habia tiempo para estar enferma porque tenia actividades planeadas por 2 semanas. Jo salio a comprarme comida mientras que yo me acoste con una toalla fria en la frente y llenandome de paracetomol
La proxima manana madrugamos a coger el autocar hacia Airlie Beach. Me estaba sintiendo un poco major y dormi todo el camino, especialmente cuando pusieron Star Trek!! Apenas llegamos fui directo a la farmacia a comprar drogas para mejorarme, tambien estaba con miedo que tenia algo que habia cogido en Asia porque fui completamente irresponsable con el tema de Malarya, siempre se me olvidava tomar mis pastillas!! Esa noche en Airlie Beach comparti dormitorio con 8 pero estad vez apage el aire acondicionado, todos se quejaron pero mala suerte, mejor estar con calor k con frio!!! Ademas yo tenia un crucero por 3 dias, y estar enferma en el medio del mar no es conveniente! Bueno funciono porque me mejore bastante esa noche.
Los Whitsundays so un grupo de islas que no estan habitadas y la playa principal es Whitehaven que se supone que es la major attraction. El crucero se suponia que era en un barco estilo antiguo para 12 personas de lujo. Bueno eso fue una gran exageraccion. El barco era pequenisimo, estabamos todos encima de todos, la ducha estaba arriba asique te tenias que duchar estilo Gran Hermano, con todos mirandonte, tambien el agua esta limatada se puede decir que la ducha es mas bien para enjuagarte de la sal ect..
El tema de las camas tambien fue una sorpresa, yo termine en la cocina en una cama que era como las que usan los futbolistas cuando se leccionan en la cacha. El capitan hizo broma que deberia dormir arriba en un saco de dormir pero cuando se acerco la noche esa era una bueno idea asique dormi arriba con el y la cocinera. Fue fantastic dormir bajo las estrellas mirando a un mar interminable, tambien me hizo super bien respirar aire limpio y calentito!! Jo & Mark decidieron dormir en la cocina pero amanecieron arriba conmigo despues de que una laucha los molesto toda la noche. Bueno casi se me callo el pelo, una laucha en la cocina?!? Quede nerviosa por el resto del crucero y menosmal que no dormi ahi o sino me hubiera tirado al mar!
Bueno, la playa Whitehaven Beach es incredible, el sol y el mar hizo que todo valio la pena, estar sucia, sin agua (se nos acabo en el tercer dia) ratones ect..Al final en el grupo nos conocimos mejor asique bebimos, teniamos decoraciones de navidad (era el 23 de diciembre) y lo pasamos bastante bien, al final del segundo dia todos terminaron durmiendo conmigo arriba.
Me encanto estar en el mar por 3 dias, es todo lo que me gusta, playa, sol u major de todo sin arena!!! En Whitehaven vimos un mogoyon de tiburones muy cerca de la orilla y me hizo bien, se fue la fievre y el resfriado totalmente!!
Mas pronto xxxx
From Cape Trib we went back to Cairns for one night, where I literally collapsed in bed with a cold & temperature, it really wasn't a good time to be sick as I had back to back activities & travelling to do. Jo went & got me food that night as I lay in bed under a fan with a wet towel on my head overdosing on paracetamol. : (
The next morning we were up really early to get our (greyhound) coach to Airlie Beach. I was feeling a bit better but I just slept on the coach, especially when Star Trek came on, almost works like a sleeping pill!!!As soon we got to Airlie beach I was forced to succumb to the pharmacy to pump myself with drugs. I was spending the next 3 days sailing the Whitsundays so being ill at sea is not really convenient, I was also crapping myself that I had something that I had picked up in Asia because I was crap at taking my anti malarials & never really protected myself against mossies-ooops!. That night we stayed in a 8 person dorm, & I put my foot down & switched the air con off, they all moaned that they woke up sweating but tough, I actually woke up feeling quite well!!!
The Whitsundays is a group of islands off the east coast sort of where the Great Barrier Reef is.the highlight though is Whitehaven beach. The cruise was advertised as an old style luxury cruise suitable for 12 people, it wasn't. It was tiny, we were all on top of each other, the shower was on deck so you're having a shower Big Brother style with everyone watching you & as there's a limited supply of water you can't have a proper shower, it's just rinsing as in no shampoo or shower gel-eeek!!
The sleeping arrangements were terrible. I was in the galley (ie. The kitchen) in something that looked like what footballers get stretched off the pitch with & it was soooo hot in there! Someone made a joke that I should sleep on deck in a swag (an aussie canvas sleeping bag with in built mattress) but actually that's exactly where I slept. Jo & Mark were also placed in the galley & they decided to brave it for the first night. I think everyone was initially feeling sorry for me because I had no where to put my stuff, get changed ect...That night everyone said good bye to me and went to their 'rooms' I stayed on deck with the skipper & the chef-an Eng gal called Becky.
It was amazing sleeping literally under the stars with the sea all around you & the weather was fab so for once I wasn't freezing or breathing in artificial air, it was lovely. Being at sea is tiring business so I was pretty much knocked out straight away. The next morning i woke up to find Jo & Mark were also on deck, they couldn't sleep because they had food & fruit dropping on them all night, they could hear rustling & were freaking out, they were sleeping with A MOUSE!!!!-IN THE KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear it was a good thing I wasn't there because I would have thrown myself overboard in a panic. Obviously I was freaked out for the rest of the time knowing that I was in such an enclosed space with a mouse. Everyone complained though about being boiling, not being able to move & it turns out I had the best spot after all!!
That day we stopped at Whitehaven beach & its all worth it, mouse an all just for that. Its by far the most amazing beach Ive seen on my travels so far, crystal clear water, really calm & lovely white sand & it was sunny woohoo!!! On the bad side you cant get in without a stinger suit (an all body lycra suit-too hideous for words) I went in a bit & we saw loads of leopard sharks swimming right on the shore, it was awesome. We went snorkelling as well which was amazing as its the same reefs as the GBR so amazing marine life.
By that night we had all gotten to know each other so we had dinner, a few drinks (more than enough for me!) pulled crackers as it was the day before xmas eve & had a good laugh! And I had lots of company as a few people opted to sleep on deck with me.
The worse thing was the lack of hygiene & facilities. By the last day we ran out of running water, so no showers, no hand washing, we just about managed to brush our teeth with bottled water, when your covered in salt from the sea air its horrible. Worse was that me, Mark & Jo were due to get straight on a 12 hr coach to Hervey Bay after the cruise. Luckily there were showers at the port, it felt sooo nice to be clean, I felt like I hadn't had a shower in days!
In all it was deffo worthwhile, the beach was like heaven, did a lot of sunbathing, met some cool people, our skipper was hilarious too & the snorkelling was incredible, by far my best bit, even with the stinger suit. So yeah I was deffo impressed with the Whitsundays & got an amazing tan on the boat!! Yipppeeeeeeeeee!!
Bye bye from sunny oz
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