BULA BULA (un saludo en Fiji!!)
Unas inglesas me habían contado de un sitio que se llama Coral View, aun mas al norte y esa fue mi próxima destinacion. Era un sitio completamente diferente, copete por todos lados, éramos como 50 comparados con los 11 que éramos en Long Beach y había mucho mas ambiente. Los Fijians nos cantaban, nos conocían por nombre y era un sitio con mas calor y diversion. Inmediatamente me hoze amiga de 2 chicas.
El próximo día en todo caso fue cuando conocí a mi grupo y a los que ahora llamo mi familia de Fiji.Sentada en la mesa en la tarde se acerco un chico hablarme, Richard de 26 años y del norte de Inglaterra, Leeds (que es por cierto donde yo fui a la universidad), bueno súper buena onda, en un par de horas ya éramos súper amigos. Esa noche los 2 conocimos a tres inglese mas, Jenn, Andy y Ben, 2 chicas americanas Danielle y Bridget y un brasilero estupendo Diego.
Fue triste en todo caso porque se suponía que el próximo día todos nos íbamos a separa porque todos teníamos k ir a diferente islas o eso pensábamos.....
Esa noche me quede hasta súper tarde en una hamaca con Richard al lado de la playa y notamos que empezó a llover torrencialmente y había un viento que al final nos asustamos y nos fuimos acostar porque habían cocos volando por todos lados (si te cae uno en la cabeza, fijo que mueres porque pesan un huevo!!!)
Todo empeoro durante la noche, yo estaba en un colchón estilando y completamente cubierta en arena, era como que me estaba exfoliando durante la noche-muy incomodo!! Ya a la madrugada, cuando estábamos todos mojados los Fijians decidieron cubrir las ventanas con maderas, todos nos mirábamos de nuestras literas y todos pensando lo mismo...esto no se ve nada de bien.
En fin nos toco un huracán y quedamos atrapados por 4 días, no habían teléfonos, barcos, aviones, Internet-NADA!! Estábamos aislados del mundo y me encanto!
Bueno mi buena intención de desintoxicarme se fue a la mierda porque esos cuatro días los llenamos con juegos de copete o de cartas con copete, estuvimos ebrios por los 4 días, lo pasamos bomba y lo mejor de todo que ya éramos mejores amigos!!!
Mi habitación se inundo, y mi mochila estaba nadando en el dormitorio asi que Richard me movió a su habitación a escondidas por que las fijians se fijan mucho en eso pero bueno yo quería una cama seca y en dormitorio del había una cama libre, pero quede todo el tiempo sin ropa, todo estaba mojado, lleno de arena, al final hasta estaba mi mochila llena de hormigas por la humedad, así que estaba hecha un desastre y sin facilidades para lavar ropa!!
Al final no me imaginaba estar sin ese grupo de amigos, especialmente Rich. Por suerte Jenn & Andy también venían a Nueva Zelanda después así que fijo que los iba a ver otra vez. En fin nos quedaban 4 dias en Fiji y lla era tiempo de irme de Coral View.
Nuestro grupo se tuvo que separar por 3 noches pero yo & Rich nos quedamos jungos y nos fuimos a Bounty, 4 horas al sur de Coral View, hicimos planes para encontrarnos con el resto del grupo en dos noches mas en Bounty, que es una isla donde firman una basura de programa en donde mandan a los famosos a enamorarases en la isla de amor!!
Hey all,
Well Coral View was worlds apart from Long Beach. As the boat got there all the Fijians held hand s& greeted you with a massive Bula!! (a word that means almost everything in Fijian but mostly hello, wlecome...) & a nice little fruit cocktail.
They had activities planned, games to get to know each other & loadsa other fun stuff, went to the blue lagoon that day (where they filmed the film) cut my legs on all the coral-something that has become a much loved ritual for me now!)! That night I met some gals & had dinner with them straight away so finally I was able to talk to people!!
The next day I went diving, which was very disappointing actually. Id been told that Fiji had some of the best dive sites in the word but they sucked, plus the weather was really weird, the water was choppy so visibility was crap, it was as if all the interesting fish had migrated or something & there's only so many nemos you can see before they become very boring!!
That day I also met a cool guy from Leeds called Richard & an American bird called Danielle, we chatted for ages but it was one of these convos where it actually feels like you've been talking for 5 mins.That night was wicked cos me & Rich had wicked banter, he´s sooo funny plus we kinda hooked up with an english couple (that makes them sound very boring but they're anything but...!) Jenn (a burlesque dancer!) & Andy & Bridget from New York & Diego, a very good looking brazilian (Richard fell instantly in love with him!! Hahaha!!)
We all assumed that would be our first & only night together as we were all due to leave the island the next day which kinda sucked but but thats the way it goes or so we thought..............I fell off the bandwagon that night & finally had a drink ( i swear i had the shakes by then!!) Me & Rich lied on a hammock until really late & just chatted & had a laugh but we noticed that the weather was getting worse & worse. It was pissing it down, the wind was getting stringer & stronger & when coconuts were flying all around us we thought it was prob time to call it a night.We ran to our separate dorms to escape the rain & i noisily jumped into my top bunk trying not to kill the dude below me. My mattress was soaking & covered in sand, it was the most uncomfortable thing ever!! Mind you everytime I moved it was like getting free exfoliation treatment!! I swear we were all awake looking at each other through our mossie nets wondering what the hell was going on, at about 4am after we were all soaked & covered in sand the fijians came in and boarded some of the windows, we were all thinking the same thing...this cant be good!
In the morning at breakfast we were told the news that we´d been hit by a hurricane, that the worst was still to come & that we would not be going anywhere for at least 2 days as there were no boats, planes, telephones, internet ect.... All activities were cancelled, we could only be in our dorms or the dinning area and to please not drink too much in case it got serious....well that was everyone's q to get absolutely smashed!!!
I think my group were secretly quite pleased, I know I was cos it meant I got to spend longer with Richie & Co. We got wasted on drinking games, card games such as bulls***, a******* (or something like that) of course the legendary ´Í have never´´ were we all realise that we´re pimps & hos & my new fave Roxanne.
For those of you unfamiliar with Roxanne it goes something like this. First you have to know that Roxanne is a song by Sting & The Police & if you dont know that you should be shot so it doesn't matter anyway. Moving on the boys drink every time Sting says Roxanne & the gals drink every time sting says ´red light´´ (listen to the song & you realise how messy it gets!!) I swear within 3 mins we were s***faced!! The hurricane days passed pretty much like that, much drunkenness & games!!
My dorm did however get flooded & I firmly believe I was the worst hit. My backpack was swimming in the room, everything was soaked & covered in sand, to be fair they told us the room was getting flooded & I do remember everyone running but I was like ahhh never mind...I´ll go later & avoid the crowd! BIG MISTAKE!! Lucky for me I have friends in high places & Richie´s dorm that appeared to be a hay stack was actually completely dry, sand free & had a spare bed in it so I rapidly moved in there, it was all boys but never mind (poor me eh?? Its a hard life!!)
After the worst was over I could imagine to be without Rich, Jenn, Andy, Danielle, Bridge & Diego plus we couldnt seperate Rich & Diego as that would have been too cruel on both of them (both heterosexual but had a lot of love for each other!!)
Anyway we made plans to get off Coral View & meet up on Bounty island (also the location of celeb love island!!) in 2 more nights, everyone went their separate ways, me & Rich headed to Bounty together though that day cos South Sea island wher ehe was meant to go had been evacuated! oh well stuck with me then!!
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