La verdad es que no tenia nada de ganas de irme de Australia pero como española no puedo trabajar legalmente yno tenia ganas de trabajar a lo negro al final todo iba ser muy engorroso así que seguí con el plan original y seguí para Fiji.Odio irme de un país a otro porque es como empezar de nuevo, nuevos amigos, diferente dinero, clima, cultura y siempre te sientes un poco sola al principio y con ansiedad.
Bueno llegue a Nadi (la capital turística de Fiji, la capital verdadera es Suva pero ningún turista va ahí porque es un sitio bastante feo) a las 9.30 de la mañana con retraso de 3 horas, sin dormir y con 500 grados de calor. En mi hostal no había mucho ambiente de dormir así que me duche, cambie de ropa y Sali a la cuidad en uno de los 2 buses al día para la cuidad.
Desafortunadamente el chico mas aburrido del mundo decidió acompañarme.Era el típico chico rico que estudio en Oxford, habla como si tuviera un huevo en la boca, completamente de derecha, con intereses como disparar y cazar lobos, en fin no podría haber sido mas diferente a mi.Hicimos compras, comimos, escapamos la lluvia de la tarde y regresamos al hostal donde menos mal conocí a otra gente.
El plan en Fiji era muy claro, quería ir a una isla remota, tranquila donde no hubiera mucha parranda y copete para desintoxicarme del desmadre que fue Australia, ya me sentía como gastada y necesitaba recargar las baterías y así fue.
Yo dudes & dudettes!
Well as per usual when I have to leave one country & start up again in another one I always hate it! The thought of having no mates & having to make new ones, new currency, new culture, food ect... Its like starting again, plus I love Oz so I didnt really want to leave but anyway I decided to continue with the original plan & headed to Fiji!
Well got to Nadi with a 3 hr delay at 9.30am, was completely knackered but when I got to my hostel there wasn't anyone asleep, all the windows were open, music was playing so there wasn't really a sleeping environment, so I ahd a shower to wake myself up & to relieve myself from the 500 degree heat & went to town on one of the 2 buses a day that run into town!!
Unfortunately the most bring & tedious guy in the world decided to join me, Typical rich boy, studied in Oxford, was soooo bloody posh, had met clinton & the queen type thing, enjoyed shooting, the army, voted tories, basically everything Im against he was for, so although we had some interesting discussions I was bored senseless.
Back at the hostel I met an American guy who I clung onto to free myself from Mr Boring. My Fiji plan was really basic, I'd really had enough of the backpacker scene in Oz so I wanted somewhere really chilled & quiet where I could sunbathe, read, lie in a hammock & not really have to talk much to people, I definitely didn't want a piss up place with everyone doing the bloody conga or anything like that, the idea was to completely detox in time for New Zealand, I deffo didn't want the packages that they offer all backpackers, like an island hopping pass, that although wrks out cheaper, you´re not free to do what you want to do & I really dont like that. So my new American buddy suggested I head for Long Beach.
So the nest morning I got on the bus, headed to the harbour to catch my five hr boat to the very north of the idillic Fijian islands!!
To be continued........
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