El trayecto a Bounty fue horrible, la verdad es que no se por que me gusta tanto viajar porque todo me hace mal!!! Vomite casi todo el camino porque el mar estaba con furia, las olas nos tapaban casi enteros, Rich por supuesto que estaba totalmente bien y yo como siempre dando la hora. También muerta de frió por el aire acondicionado así que al el lo deje casi desnudo mientras le robe toda su ropa!!
Finalmente llegamos, me acosté un rato y la verdad que estuvo tranquilo, bueno excepto por la Happy Hour cuando todos aprovechamos del copete barato! Bounty es preciosos pero sin sol Fiji no se aprecia, además que todas las actividades son en la playa y todavía estaba todo muy peligroso así que nos teníamos que quedar adentro o en la arena y llovió todo el tiempo. Yo y Rich pasamos días tranquilos, el clima todavía estaba mal, hablamos, leímos yo trate de arreglar mi ropa sin excito.
Hasta que llego el resto del grupo!! Hay ya tuvimos fiesta otra vez! Esa fue nuestra ultima noche como grupo porque Danielle y Bridget se iban el proximo dia, Danielle a Sydney y Bridget a Los Angeles, el resto todavia nos quedaba una noche en Nadi.
Hey dudes,
The 5 hr boat over was a total nightmare, the waves were massive, it was like the perfect storm & of course I got sick...soooo sexy & attractive & wait for it the sink as some smart arse blocked the toilet. I was bloody freezing too, I stripped Rich off his t shirt as I was still with no bloody dry clothes, he of course was fine the whole way, in fact he was pissing himself listening to Jack Dee on his ipod (it was quite funny actually I have to admit!)
Bounty is such a lush place in the sun but the weather was still horrible, we kinda hoped that as we were 5 hrs south it would be sunny but no! Rich & I read, hung out, slept, I tried to sort out my now emergency clothes situation to no avail though, got drunk during ´happy hour´ & didn't really do much else, until we were joined by the rest of the gang when we had a bit of a piss up.
That was our last night as a family as Bridge & Danielle were flying the next day, Danielle to Sydney & Bridge to L.A, the rest of us still had one more night in Nadi. Jenn & Andy were meant to have a lot longer in Fiji but they were sick of the weather so they changed their flight to mine & came to Auckland with me instead!! Yayyyy I still had friends!!!
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