Today, we get to introduce Walt and Barb to Zion National Park. Bob and I were here in 2014 with Don and Doris. In spite of the crowds of tourist then, we both fell in love with Zion's beauty and grandeur. This time, we had hoped there would be less people this time of year.
The drive from Hurricane to Zion from where we were staying was about 35 miles. We got an early start at 7:30am and planned on having breakfast at the Spotted Dog Café in Springdale, the town just outside of the West Entrance to Zion. They only serve a buffet breakfast, but it was excellent and the Capuchinos were the best we have had in a long time.
We were about 3 minutes from the entrance. The line was not bad at all. We were optimistic that it would not be bumper to bumper people where ever we went. And it wasn't! There was still a lot of people and they were still running the buses to shuttle people to the various stops within the park, but we weren't crammed in the buses. (Buses run up to Thanksgiving) We parked the truck at the Visitors Center and boarded the bus. The museum was not open yet. So we decided to ride the bus to the last stop and walk the 2 mile roundtrip River Walk Trail. The trail ends where the Narrows River Trail begins. This trail is right down the middle of the river. We stayed a few minutes and watched people begin the trek. Some were prepared to handle the cold water, but others in flipflops or no shoes were asking for trouble."Stupid is as Stupid Does" -Forrest Gump
We walked back to the bus stop and rode the bus down canyon to the Weeping Wall Trail Head. This is a 1 mile round trip hike with a slight incline up to the Weeping Wall. Bob decided to sit this one out, since we hiked it in 2014. The vista from the Weeping Wall was so much more beautiful with the fall foilage.
It was approaching lunchtime. We had a "friendly" discussion if we should return to Visitors Center where we parked the truck and retrieve our picnic lunch. Then, go see the film. Then, go check out the lodge. The decision was that we would see the film first. Then, have lunch. We boarded the bus to head down canyon to return to the museum. However, I wanted to get off before the museum to take a picture off the bridge that was just before the Museum stop. My idea of "just before" was a mile. Everyone was a good sport and walked the mile with me. FUBAR or me.
We were famished and ready for lunch. As we were heading out the door of the museum, a bus was ready to take off. It was pointed in the direction that we wanted to go. So we all scurried to the bus. Oops. It may have been pointed in the right direction, but it was going up canyon …not down. ( We can't be sure who was responsible for this fubar, so this one was assigned to the group. ) Plan C…we will save our packed lunch for tomorrow and get off the bus at the Lodge and buy lunch. Then, walk the 1 mile roundtrip trail to the Lower Emerald pool. Lunch was cafeteria style and reasonably priced and pretty good. Bob stayed back to enjoy his beer and relax while we three did the hike. The "Emerald" pool was more of a stagnant body of water, but the scenery along the way to it was spectacular this time of the year.
We took the right bus down canyon to go back to get the truck. A trip to Zion is not complete until you have driven the Zion-Mt Carmel Highway, which winds up the eastern canyon and goes through the mountains via a narrow man-made tunnel. Once you leave by the East Entrance, the topography is completely different. We drove a short ways then turned around and headed back to camp via the tunnel road.
We didn't make it back in time for Happy Hour or cards. Not to worry. Bob and I prepared a wonderful Grilled Filet Roast dinner that included steamed veggies, wild rice, and salad served under a wonderful clear sky filled with stars. It can't get any better than this.
Tomorrow, we head to the eastern side of St George UT to hike Snow Canyon State Park and do a little Christmas shopping in Kayenta Village.
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