We were slow moving after that fantastic meal the night before. We didn't get started until about 9:30am. The temperature was already approaching 90 degrees and the humidy factor was 110%. Why even take a shower?
We checked the progress of Matthew and felt we were okay for one more day. Then, we are heading for the mainland.
We climbed in the Beast and headed back to Key West. First stop, a Starbuck's coffee. Next, we drove back to the same parking lot. It was convenient and fee was reasonable. Oh, but wait. The cost was now $15. We asked why the increase. The attendant said that there was more demand during the work week. We looked around and the parking lot was only a quarter full. Go figure.
We walked down one side and turned around and walked on the other side. We were drenched. Bob made a suggestion that he will buy a beer for Walt, and us girls can continue looking. Barb and I lasted about three blocks and we headed back. A beer sounded really good. We joined the boys at Fogarty's. We people watched and visited with Peter, our waiter, for quite awhile that it was almost lunch time. Bob settled the drink tab and we still were sitting there trying to come up with a concensus of where and what everyone wanted to eat. Then, Walt spied the Shrimp Po Boy that was delivered to next table. That did it. We called Peter back over and got lunch menus. Peter recommended the Lettuce Wraps with Blackened Mahi Mahi. Were they ever good.
Before we left, Bob wanted to go back to Blanc du Nil and look for a few more choice purchases for you-know-who-you-are if you are reading this blog.
On the way back, we stopped at the "Southernmost Point" took a picture and planned on heading back to cool off in the pool before a game of cards and dinner. However, the boys heard about a possible beach at the end of Geiger Road...that was a nudist beach. They wanted to check out the beach bodies. However, they were lead astray. All they found was a small strip of a beach littered with debris...
It was Walt's and Barb's turn to cook. Tonight was BBQ Chicken and all the trimmings.
Tomorrow, we head back to the mainland, but with a modified route...more inland.
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