We woke to the news that the Govenor of South Carolina issued a mandatory Evacuation notice to the seashore communities. And we knew we were starting to be really concerned when we realized we were watching the Weather Channel more than Fox News. Time to get out of Dodge.
We had planned to be on the road at 7:30am, but Bob had an issue getting the sewer cap off. Not to worry. Walt was there to lend a hand. We got that issue solved. Then, Walt asked us if we intended to go flying. Uh-oh..We didn't have the awning up all the way. So we stopped and turned the generator on to bring it in. Nothing. Next, we drove to an empty site and plugged in to try bringing it in. Nothing. We both tried to push it in. Nothing. We were about to check the fuses when I tried it one more time. went in. We were finally on the road at 8:30.
Taking the turnpike was the fastest route so that was the way we were going. About an hour on the road, Walt wanted to fuel up. So we left the turnpike to get fuel. The service station had diesel, but no gasoline. We still had enough to get us 200 miles down the road, but the reality of the situation was starting to be a concern. We decided to to get back on the turnpike and continue. Fortunately, the first service plaza had gas, but by the looks of the lines, it would not be for long. Not long after we were back on our way, we received a text alert that the Governor of Florida issued a hurricane warning. We came to the second toll plaza, which there were only a few cars backed up. The toll booth attendant was a delight. She wished us God's speed and said we were smart to get out now..."cause that there line of cars will be a solid line to the devil's gate in no time". We had to pay one more toll. That attendant, noticed our California plates and told us we done made a wrong turn at the wrong time and should head back home and wished us safe travels. I will be driving a little faster.
We stopped for fuel at a service plaza and had a quick lunch at Wendy's. We were back on the road along with all the other escapees.
The weather started to turn when we exited Highway 75. The winds came up and we had intermittent rain. This area of Florida is horse country. There were rolling fields of pasture and horses dotted the landscape on both sides. You would have thought we were in Kentucky..we wished. We arrived at the KOA around 3:30pm.
After we arrived, there was a steady line of new arrivals escaping Matthew. We were fortunate to get a place. After hooking up, we all walked to the shopping center next door to get a few groceries. Walt saw a Chinese Take out and thought that might be a nice change for dinner. The food was delicious.
We called it an evening and thought best to get another early start. Tomorrow, we are heading to Greensboro, Georgia.
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