We checked the progress of Matthew the night before and felt we needed to modify our plans of going up the coast of Florida and go inland, but we wanted to stay close enough so that if Matthew fizzled, we could resume our coastal adventure. We chose a KOA in Davie FL just west of Fort Lauderdale.
We left the Keys around 7:45am. The skies looked clear. No hint of a monster forming out at sea. There was as much traffic coming on to the keys as there was leaving.
We arrived at the KOA Park around 11am. This park had good bones, but it could have used some loving care. We asked the Park Manager what there was to do around Davie. Wouldn't you know, that the Everglade Holiday Park was only 14 minutes away from us....and there was a movie theatre not more than 5 miles away. We had our day planned.
After a quick lunch at camp and getting the slow cooker going for a Pulled Pork dinner that evening, we headed to the Everglades Holiday Park for an airboat ride we didn't have a chance to do in the Southern Everglades and the Gator Boys will be there! Remember the "Gator Boys" reality show on Animal Planet? We do. We are embarassed to say that Bob and I have watched several episodes. The ride was not the A Ticket ride we expected, but more of a educational journey. We now know how to survive if we ever get stranded in the Everglades. We did see four alligators up close and personal. Pretty special.
After the airboat ride, we went to the Gator Boy Show to watch one of the boys manhandle a gator and teach us about the anantomy of a gator. In simple terms...don't go in the water!
The show finished just at the right time to allow us to get to the movies for the 4pm showing of the new Bridget Jones movie. This was some theatre. You selected the seats and ALL the seats reclined and had foot rests. Bob was ecstatic. I showed him how to recline and work the foot rest. Big mistake. He was fast asleep before the film started.
Back at camp, we served up Pulled Pork Sandwiches and cold slaw followed by Double Chocolate Dove Bars.
After listening to the weather reports and hearing about the devastation that Matthew was leaving in his wake, we all agreed that we should continue to stay inland. We will miss seeing Daytona Beach, Cape Canaveral, and Miami.
Tomorrow, we are heading to the KOA in Starke FL, which is just inland from Jacksonville FL.
- comments
d/m Did you get a chance to eat any "gator"? It is delicious! Safe travels