Just wanted to say how much I love and miss you all. Your messages always make me smile and I am glad you are all still interested in my travels and haven't forgotten about me.
I am still here loving life, lying on beaches and seeing the sights. I've been flat sitting with Rachel this weekend, having a bath, a comfy bed and a tv is great!!
Off to stay with my Nanny's sister Kathleen tomorrow, a few home comforts and some good cooking will be appreciated :)
The job hunt needs to begin asap as I want to work at least 4 weeks before I carry on up the coast (damn my rubbish saving skills when I was back home). Rachel's friend thinks he may be able to get me some bar work but I'll need to pay $100 to get the relevant paperwork to do bar work out here. But the pay is about $25 an hour so I'll make it back quickly enough.
Today we're off to see the Opera House, Harbour bridge, Botanical gardens etc. Obviously they'll be more photos coming your way shortly.
Just had a Skype with Mum and Dad and it made me miss them and back home a lot but I am having an incredible time out here in the sunshine. I have even got a bit of a tan plus a constantly burnt nose no matter how much suncream I use.
Lots of love always xxxxx
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