Connecticut State Capital
Connecticut has a beautiful capital that was interesting and enjoyable not just for its architecture but it had several pieces of art and artifact that we all found fascinating. The most exciting artifact was a large chunk of a tree that had four civil war canon balls and one unexploded canon artillery shell (explosives were removed before being displayed). It was a fascinating site!
The interior of the capital consisted primarily of marble of various types and colors put together in eye pleasing patterns. Much of the capital was painted in grand fashion as well. One of the architectural pieces that we all really appreciated was a large, marble water basin with a faucet that was actually used back in the day to fill waterbuckets for the horses that would have been hitched up out front. The other enjoyable part that girls most appreciated was the modern water fountains that apparently were made for short people as Sarah and Katherine had to squat to use it. We thought it was for the handicapped but that water fountain was taller! Sometimes it's the simple things you have to find the humor (especially traveling with three teenage and one preteen girl)! - Carrie
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