Up at 6am....on the bus at visit the Principality of Monaco !!!!!!
Up the windy hills....(that's lots of turns in the road ... Not gusts of wind.)
Enjoyed this immensely...the views were amazing. Took lots of photos of wonderful houses and HUGE BOATS.....
The playground of the very wealthy around here.
Calvin told us that the people who own these boats spend an average of 10 days a year on them. ( not exactly sure how true that is...but there you go. )
Walked the Botanical Gardens in Monaco....very pretty...and of course the views out over the water makes this a very special place.
Saw the Palace and Princess Stephanie's house. Very impressive.
Lots of lovely statues around.
And lots of little shops.
We were there very early lots of space to look around.
Very, very hot though.
Andrew....don't know how you didn't melt in the really hot weather when you were here.
You would have had to jump from shady spot to shady spot.
(Callum, you were wise to stay home.)
Also, I have discovered...Monks have had a really bad time around here.
Monaco was able to become a Principality because the current day Prince Albert's great, great, great, great, great, great Grandfather landed here in his boat and killed all the Monks who had previously thought it was a great place to live.
(I may haver under/over estimated the number of 'greats' there.)
He was also a sneaky fellow....dressed up as a Monk...went up to say hi...and killed everyone.
Legend has it that the last Monk cursed him and his family.
Walked through the lovely church....
All just beautiful.
Then on the bus to Pisa.
Katrina..... could you let Dennis know that they have Toll Roads over here?
And, since I am already here, I could be his 'man on the ground' so to speak.
I am quite happy to do some investigation and give the first Annual Report around September 2014.
You might also like to mention that I'll need a 'Living Away From Home' Allowance.
Between Monaco and Pisa, apparently there are 167 tunnels.
(Again, might like to stress that we only have two.....but only do this if he seems a bit hesitant.... Thanks.)
I started counting the tunnels...but only got up to 7 before they started throwing food at me.
I was a bit offended....but on the other hand, well stocked upon food.
Auntie Joan...welcome to the blog. I am really enjoying myself and we have a great bunch on the bus. Glad Mum and Dad were able to forward the link! Well done Mum.
So now you have the link...just click into the blog, scroll down a bit...and you will see 'next entry' or 'previous entry' can just go from there.
So everyone...(except Connie and Nomes?) how was your extra long weekend?
Hope SAP is up and running Monday for you all.
(You can insert a smilie face here)
I am on the Italian Riviera!!!!!!
Hi Emily....hope work and study are good.
Pat the clean dogs for me. Xxxx
I am loving this.....needed more cool clothes though...just bought a dress.
Yep...a dress.
Hey, it's hot here.
Not that nice a dress either....but I was desperate.
Anyway...will be cooler tomorrow in my dress.
( There may be no more photos of me.)
Just been to see The Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Just absolutely stunning.
I didn't expect it to be that clean and absolutely shine in the sun.
People are allowed to climb it again.
So I could see you right up the top, Dad.
I waved...and you waved back!
Just loved it.
Just stood and stared for as long as I possibly could.
Really could not believe that I was actually here.
If you dropped a straight line from the top to the ground.....the difference would be 4.5 metres.
Almost the width of The Folly, Emily.
Built in the 12th Century......
The area where it was built was originally reclaimed swamp land.
Apparently it is defying all laws of gravity to still be standing (leaning )
I can't describe the feeling when I first saw it through the archway.
I absolutely loved it! Took my breath away.
I think because I have heard about it...and read about it...and seen pictures of it....when you are actually can't quite believe it.
I know why you climbed it, Dad.
Katrina...sorry..... really should get my thoughts together....They don't have tags over here....we can make a killing....I mean, we can advise the European Community on how to work more God we are ready to go...all that practise at Tag Picking is so going to come in handy.
Arrived Montecatini at 5.30pm....immediately asked directions to the nearest dress shop.....I was so hot.
Anyway...shot down the street..a left, right....wait for the train at the railway crossing...left...found the most wonderful shop where the shop assistant and I got the giggles trying to mime to one another...(get me away from France and the new language totally escapes me!)....anyway...bought 4 dresses. Yep, 4.
That's 4.
I am sick of being hot.
I am so not going to be hot ever again!
(People told me at dinner that I looked hot though....not sure if they were concerned for my welfare or really liked the new dress. I'll check with them tomorrow....not sure a lot of them will remember though.)
Dinner at the hotel tonight...very funny night.
Up early tomorrow....
Highlights of Florence.
I am going to see David.
Hey Katrina, had a thought.....don't mention the tag thing.... I can drop that bombshell in my report.
Beautiful view from my room.
Love having the room to myself to just chill out.
Thanks for all the comments guys...loving it.
On...on the way to Pisa we passed the mountains where they have been taking the marble for statues for hundreds and hundreds of years.
Michelangelo's David was carved from marble from these mountains..
Imagine the trip.... ( pretty heavy, marble.)
Then see the result.
Again...a huge wow moment.
More photos to be posted...probably tomorrow so check back to this date.
- comments
Mum Hi Sweetie Loved all the wonderful descriptions really something Monaco,glad youWeren't Tempted to visit the casino, like your Mum and Dad were!You re. Having it hot glad you could find some dresses now with fourShould be more comfortable .Late with a reply today Greg took us to see his birthday venue, quiteSomething, then to Yarraglen and saw Uncle Rons old house, lots ofMemories for Dad. Home in time for the TIGERS first time in finalsSince 2001, they are five goals ahead at the moment, quite exciting,hope They can keep,it up. Keep loving it all, loved the photos bad luck youCouldn't straighten up the Leaning Tower. Quite something. Love from Mum and Dad.
Joan Rae Hi Carolyn, Thanks for adding me to your Blog. Really enjoying reading your comments. Warwick and I were at Pisa and Florence back in April. Much cooler then. Hope you go up to the lookout above the city. Great views. All the tulips were in bloom when we visited. Did you notice what big HANDS David had? Look forward to your next stop ." A "Joan
Daryl It all sounds just wonderful Carolyn. Looks wonderful as well. How's that view from your hotel window.Four dresses eh?! Buying two would have been tempting Murphy's Law. Three would almost certainly mean an unseasonal, severe cold snap for most of Europe. In buying four I think you probably,single handedly, reversed global warming.Imagine if Dad could have found a way to get people to throw food at him on their bus tour?!!! He would have been insufferable and extremely happy!