Up at 4am, breakfast and then on the bus to Trafalgar London Office to pick up more people...then onto Dover. Made good time apparently so were able to get an earlier Ferry.we are just all in the bus waiting for our luggage off the Ferry.
Tour Guide is Calvin Goodenough (I'll let you know)
Picking up more people in Paris so bus is completely full.
Magnificent sunny day and the cliffs absolutely shone!
Just beautiful.
I stayed out the back watching them till they almost disappeared.... Then went inside and looked out the front and there was France!
Talked to a wonderful English couple who have just bought a camper van... And this is their maiden trip. Had a lovely chat with the white cliffs of Dover in the background.
Absolutely magic!
4 hour drive to Paris ahead.
We have WiFi on our bus.
Calvin is a tech guy and he is developing 3G Wifi for the buses... So we are one of the experiential tour groups using it.
So if the signal is ok and it will vary from place to place....we have Free WiFi on the bus!!!!
I will send this blog on to you....just remember to check it a couple of times a day.....or even go back to it as I will update several times a day
Arrived Paris (!!!!!!!!!) at 4pm. Nice room. Glad I am not sharing though. Nice to have my own space.
Leaving here at 5.45pm for a 90 minute stroll around the Champs De Élysées
And buy some dinner.
Then off on the Seine River Cruise and a tour of Paris at night.
Sitting on the bus with a lovely lady from New Zealand, Debbie. She is about 50....and is travelling with her 2 sisters in law. We have a lovely friendly group on the bus.
It's 11pm .... Just back from the most wonderful day in Paris....and an AMAZING river cruise and light show at the Eiffel Tower but I am too tired to write. Full day in Paris tomorrow but I am not doing the night option so will write then....
Have to go to bed.
Mum and Dad, this is amazing
- comments
Phyll Well mate.....Oui, Oui,....poo poo and all that was Paris and was Calvin goodenough ??????Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Simone Oh you have a spare bed, I'm on my way!!!!!
Andrew B Bonjour Carolyn, I so wish I was there. Have a great day in Paris.
Connie So pleased you're having a wonderful time. The weather looks awesome and Calvin looks like a charater. This is an experience of a life time make sure you try EVERYTHING that each culture has to offer..............that includes frogs legs and snails...........And don't forget to go swimming in Athens.........miss ya
Mum and Dad Hi Sweetie just loving all the news, bought back memories galore for Dad And I, yes the White Cliffs are WHITE aren't they, great to see On a sunny day. Long first day full bus lots of nice people, all sounds wonderful Hope. You only told the English couple the good things your Mum And Dad got up to! Paris At night fantastic and seeing from the river spectacular. Looking forward to more about your exploring. Love you xxxx
Sue Ooolala, Paree' drink in every sight and sound......I gues you are gonna get and Eiffel? haha ...sorry Andrew's influence....loving the photos.
Em What a long exciting day!