...we eat one more fabulous breakfast at Gaetano's and we head out
...we buy mozzarella at a nearby supermarket and witness the first fender bender at a Naples roundabout
...we go to Rome, leave the car; seemingly no problem; the an hour later I get an email with a fake photo of a dirty seat and a noticeI got charged €150 for "thorough cleaning of car interior". They couldn't get me for the scratches because I had insurance so they tried something else. Two thoughts: 1. Chargeback is imminent. 2. Even so it'll be time consuming and stressful to get the money back. Don't be tempted by lower prices - avoid Goldcar like a plague. Read Internet feedback and listen to other users - I didn't and thought insurance would protect me from institutionalized theft - serves me right for being gullible.
...we take the train to Termini and discover that even though the train didn't change, the prices did - they doubled from last year because the train is now supposedly first class. Classic Italian ripoff. I'm getting tired of this slowly... Have some f...g integrity people! You leave a terrible impression even on me and I used to love Italy.
...we find our B&B, quite close to the station in Rome but the owners aren't there, so we wait. While we wait a couple guys looking like typical hoodlums turn out to be plainclothes cops and card a Middle eastern family right before our eyes. Well done with vigilance, I guess.
...I pick up my beautiful red Vespa and throw myself into the traffic - it seems overwhelming at first when you realized you're exposed much more than in a car but i quickly get the hang of it. Though this be madness, yet there's method to it.
...we only have time to see one Caravaggio decorated church but we also see the Trevi fountain battling raging crowds for a selfie
...we also see the Spanish steps but they're closed. Then we retire for a well deserved night's rest. It's been a long day.
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