Today and yesterday we:
1. For the first time got legally screwed by a cabbie, who instead of taking the direct route to Mumbai airport took us for a ride around the suburbs - 13km instead of 5. Grand total by the meter: €1.5. And still he hoped to extort an extra 0.5€ for our baggage. As if!
2. Found security checks (separate lines and machines for men and women) at Mumbai Airport very thorough, almost like in Israel. Kinda makes you wonder why they even have those x-ray scanners if they make you take it all out anyway. Well, better too careful than not enough.
3. Booked our first Indian flight that we actually got on :) and learnt that there was no smoking OR drinking on board. Plus fanny packs are considered carry-on baggage and have to stowed overhead as well... But you CAN use electronics while taking off and landing (just not phones).
4. Found life in Goa blissfully slower than in Mumbai and cheaper too.
5. Almost bought a ticket to a Bollywood movie but then thought better of it (2.5h of gibberish with no subtitles seemed a little much for a relaxing experience :)
6. I tasted the best tandoori chicken, cheese naan and papaya juice in my life. So far.
7. Saw bats hiding behind altars and under roof beams in historic churches in Old Goa.
8. Noted with delight the omnipresence of cashew nuts in Goa - and they come in dozens of flavored coatings!
9. Found out you can take pictures of people in Goa and you can take pictures of churches. You just can't take pictures of people in churches.
10. Realized with dismay that my hated coriander (cilantro) caught up with me here. Apparently south Indian cooking makes ample use of it too. Darn!
11. Discovered much to our chagrin we could only rent a motorbike in India if we have a motorbike license.
12. Tried an egg puff, a papaya lassi, a cheese and onion uttapam and a banana dosa with banana lassi dip. Mmmmmmmmm!!!
13. Mastered the famous Indian nod. Like here:
14. I was accosted and gently harassed by a not-so-sheepish calf at Old Goa.
15. I realized that unlike in many other parts of the developing world you can flush toilet paper in Indian toilets. Kudos to British plumbing engineers!
16. Managed to ship off some 20 postcards. If you don't get yours, blame India Post :)
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