Chris and Janet (and four other families) developed this five bed lodge in the Jejane Private Nature Reserve, which abuts the Kruger National Park - the principal advantage being that the only other vehicles you see are those belonging to the owners of the other private lodges in the Reserve.
Until recently, there was a fence between the Kruger and Jejane Reserve. That has now been taken down and the system is that visitors to Jejane are not allowed to drive into the Kruger and vice versa. However, there are no such restrictions for the animals - and the Kruger elephants have been having a field day in Jejane - knocking over and uprooting trees, stripping tree bark and generally creating mayhem. It looks like a forest after an artillery attack.
The lodges within the Reserve are protected by electric fences, but the fences are not so effective against smaller animals. One of the lodge owners was rather taken aback to be told that whilst she was taking an outside shower (each of the bedrooms has both inside and outside showers) a leopard was dozing on the adjacent patio!
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