We had already decided seen as it was the Full Moon Party tonight that we would have a day around the pool. We didn't do much today apart from swim and eat. We tried to have a nap in the afternoon to see if we'll last longer awake tonight but it didn't really work. We walked to the shop for some ice for our drinks tonight and water for tomorrow morning. We had some drinks before going out because we are expecting drinks whilst out are going to be expensive! We got showers and got changed mixed some drinks into bottles and took them with us. We only had to walk out the driveway of the hotel to get a taxi going to the party. It took a little while to get there and the hill of tears was even worse than we thought yesterday, there was a lot more to it than we had seen! We got driven into Haad Rin through some crowds and stalls selling 'buckets', they are literally that a beach bucket with a small bottle of alcohol, a can of soft drink and a small Thai version of red bull. Once you choose which one you want, the three get opened, poured in the bucket, straws added and off you go. We got dropped at the taxi rank, we weren't sure where to go but we followed the crowd a little to an entrance. It was 100 baht entrance fee and you got a wrist band for that. So we paid it and went in, it seemed even more crazy inside! The neon tops you could buy were on people everywhere, most places you could buy a 'bucket' were throwing in free body painting with neon paint. We walked along taking it all in then went with the crowd towards the beach. It was a little squash but we got through, once on the beach people were spread a little more, we walked up the beach a little then found a spot on a bench to sit on. From here we drank our drinks that we brought with us and did some people watching. There was one woman who had already had more than enough to drink, she was stumbling all over in the sea. She fell over and a couple of guys picked her up and pointed her in the direction of the sand for her to wander about five paces and stumble straight back into the sea, she fell another couple of times. There was always someone there to pick her up though, so she was lucky, what happened to her though by the end of the night, I have no idea! There was also a guy stood in the sea bent over with one hand in the sea. We think he must have had something stronger than alcohol as he stood there like this for a good 15 minutes, before standing up looking at his hand, looking at the crowd on the beach then going back to hand in the sea. In total he must have been there for half an hour! We decided to move on and find a toilet, of course everywhere was charging to use the toilet! Back on the beach we decided to get a 'bucket' to share, unfortunately it got red bull in before we could think about it so we had some of it. We wandered as far as we could in the opposite direction to we started, we came to a club which we stayed in for a while. On coming out we found someone to give the rest of our bucket to, an Aussie bloke who we talked to for a while. We then sat on the beach, by this point we were flagging, it was 3.30am ish so we decided to find a taxi. We walked up off the beach, thought we'd get something to eat before going back. We opted for a burger, it was called a hamburger but I didn't think that's literally what it would be, a warmed up piece of ham in a burger, oh well we were hungry so we ate them. We walked for ages trying to find the right street for a taxi then we got there. We got into one with three French girls who knew each other but had had some sort of argument. We sat and waited for the taxi to fill up before setting off back. A couple came in then another three people and we set off, luckily ours was the first stop. We made our way to our hut, it was about 4.45am by this point and as much as we were knackered and merry we got showers because we were covered in sand and somehow without even putting any on, we had body paint on us! It was definitely bed time!
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