Fri 09/05/14 Wind and rain began around 4am. By the time we got up the van was surrounded by a huge puddle. Kids breakfasted and then made the run to the games room, while Mikey & I were again drenched doing final packup and hitching on; soggy and frozen re-visited - its a great look. Took our Kwells at 10am then headed to the SeaSA Ferry "Aurora V" to make the crossing of The Spencer Gulf. By 10.30am we were on our way over big rocking & rolling seas, which persisted for the first hour. Michael snoozed, Luey was feeling green and the two crazies started off wary of the nausea then pushed past it and spent their time giggling & staggering laps of the pitching lounge walkway. Lesson learned is take seasickness tablets much earlier before sailing. Seas calmed for the second hour and we ventured out for a quick, COLD, WINDY lap of the upstairs deck. Docked at Lucky Bay at 12.30pm and Lukas announced "Well, we didn't all die so that's good"; Mr Positive!
The drive to Port Lincoln was easy with little traffic & a sunny 20oC. 3.00pmish arrived at Port Lincoln Top Tourist Park, which is on a large sloping sight that overlooks picturesque Boston Bay. Kids gave it thumbs up for having a jetty, but thumbs down for no jumping pillow! Once kids were in bed we headed to the camp kitchen to watch the footy. Chatted with some colourful characters who were enjoying SEVERAL drinks. One couple had some helpful tips about some of the places we are heading to, having been there a number of times themselves.
Sat 10/05/14 After a restless night Kaaren woke with a full on flu. Alexis has been fighting off a cough and Brodie a very runny nosed head cold.... lucky Mummy seems to have acquired both conditions....Boo I say! A beautiful sunny day had the anglers down to the jetty straight after breakfast to try their luck in the very clear waters. A pair of yellow fin tuna and several squid could be seen zinging around, but only one sandcrab was caught. Several low flying pelicans were regularly landing and taking off, so much fascination for the kids watching them. Girls claimed interest in the white pointer shark cage diving -obviously too young - Kaaren had planned to go, but flu / inability to breathe and the tres cher pricing put it off the agenda for this trip; maybe next time.
Sun 11/05/14 Happy Mothers Day to all the lovely Mums we know and love! Received lovely home made cards and polka dot pj's (which they had to give me early cos it got cold). Nice long sleep in by all, then off for walk along the Esplanade, a visit to statue of race horse 'Makybe Diva' - kids LOVE her -then to Peacock Gardens Chinese Restaurant for Mothers Day lunch - delicious. Spent arvo touristing the township and then back to camp where Mum was treated to hands & feet massages by girls accompanied by hair brushing by big brother....relaxing? hmmm?....but appreciated nonetheless. Oh yes...did I mention that Brodie also made up a thigh-slapping tune for us, it goes " Port Lincolnnnnnn, Port Lincolnnnn, Port Lincolnnnnn, Port Lincolnnnn...." (you get the idea) and is acommpanied by a kind of bush dance, foot stampin', arm swinin' jig which inspires the other two crazies to jump in on the action..... funny the first few times....then tends to become a little maddening!
Mon 12/05/14 Heavy rain this morning brought flooding into the annexe floor, which required speedy re-location of clothes etc into van floor space leaving no-where to walk....interesting challenge...break out the board games. Sun eventually broke through and laundry, home school, fishing and relaxation were the order of the day. Start packup tonight as we are off again tomorrow.
- comments
Cathy Smith Boo hoo flu! We stayed at the same caravan park when we were at port lincoln. Really nice place. Hope you feel better soon.