Well all good holidays have to come to an end and this has been a fantastic holiday. With what has gone on in our lives over the last 6 to 9 months we have been looking forward to this for a long time. What with Lesley’s health and me losing my Dad we needed something to recharge the batteries. All I can say is unfortunately you all now have two Duracell Bunnies rating to go. Have to thank Arthur Francis at Dial A Flight, Lex Harryson at Vacations to Go and Celebrity Cruisesruises for a very recouperative holiday. Must also thank Joao Roberto and his lovely wife Veronica for making us feel so welcome in Brasil. Just have to get through the journey home and then Dad’s Funeral on Monday. Then set to work on getting Lesley up and running on full cylinders. After this holiday that is well within our remit, just be warned all you Ceheginians I will be our running come Wednesday and Lesley will be at Aqua Aerobics on Wednesday. Oh just in case you missed it, we will be on the piss for Lesley’s birthday on Saturday, or as Lesley told me to say “we look forward to seeing all our friends for Ruta de Tapa on Saturday.” Succinct is the best way
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