After a very long day of travelling and me and Emma making up a song about our travels so far, we finally arrived in Yogyakarta!! We had a lovely place to stay with a WARM pool! which matt had jumped in straight away! and went to a lovely place to eat next door, we got some options for what to do for the next day, so i opted for a bike ride around some villages to see some more 'home industries'!
The next day me, Sarah, Emma and Matt got up and headed to the place to start our bike tour. Our guide was called Wewith who was so lovely and caring! We headed off towards the country side and our first stop, again, was a prawn crakcer factory! it was cool but this time they let us have a go at making a few, i was rubbish i kept putting far too much on the steaming table, mine was like the size of my head!! Sarahs were pretty much perfect! After that we headed over to a cattle farm, where they fatten up the cows and kill them. was not cool! but the baby cows were cute! We then cycled up to a rice plantation! We all got asked if we wanted to help! so we all did! the mud was literally knee deep but felt oddly nice! we helped pick the rice, to which we need to replant it so that it could grow more! We did that for about half an hour and then went to a well to clean up!
Further down the road was a brick making place, where they actually use just mud and water and then do all these fancy things after words to make them nice and strong! Because we had all just got moody, me and Wewith were the only was to have a go, in my bricks i wrote "Blue" and did a loveheart in another, and then said they would actually leave the brick with that imprinted on, so forever now im going to have my name on someones house!Then we rode back and chilled by the pool for a bit. We then headed to Prambardan which is and old temple where they have all the hindu gods, like shintu and shiva etc. When we got there it was pretty cool, but got bored quite easily as the tour guide was really hard to hear so i just gave up listening and just followed the group like a sheep. The most interesting part was when the tour was like showing us round on the buildings, and on the outside it has a story about the god that was inside. The most interesting story was about Chrisner and Vishnu, it went something along the lines of a women raping a man and then Vishnu wanted his penis to be as long as his leg so he made a women help him masterbate! And then he had anal.....interesting.
Once we had visited the temple, Me, Emma, Sarah and Byron headed to get something quick to eat and then went to the ballet and the story was a story that was wrote by one of the gods. it was really good to watch as their was no words just actions and dance. all the costumes were beautiful and at the very end, me and Sarah mangaed to get photos of us and the monkeys and then the magical golden deer!
We then headed home and again was boring and went to bed early as we were getting up at 630 to visit another temple.
Love to alll, Bluebellll xxx
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