We flew into Jakarta and after having a little difficulty into where we need to go and what to do, we finally made our way to the hotel that our second tour was going to start at (hopefully this tour will be what we actually paid for!!!!)
The hotel was lovely, and it was so luxurious to what we are use too! We headed out to get food from 7/11 and then fell asleep at the hotel!
We woke up and met our new group which is AWSOME. in my new group is emma who is like my sister, sarah who is like my older sister dave, byron and sally the group leader. its small but its great! we went to this beautiful restaurant, but emma was really feeling under the weather so i took her home and bought some bread and jam and we both had jam on toast as we thought that this would be best for her! We went upstaris and i stayed with ehr until she fell asleep and i went in my room and read the da vinci code! so not much happened!
On the next day we were travelling most of the day to our next destination which is pangandaran, north of java!
We just all had a lovely meal in the hotel and emma was still feeling unwell so she headed back to the room early! but we all had a good chat, and also all got to know more about each other!!
Sorry that these days havent been eventful guysss! Bluebell xx
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