Well bundaberg was great. The first night i went out with a big fgroup of people. they are all working there but the farms were shut for the week of rain.v we drunk at the hostel bar and i learnt a few new drinking games, then we went to federal, another hostel that has a bottle shop just outside, but you pay $1 to take a bottel in. its more like a club there, with lots of dancing, but all outside. Bit of a crazy night, and i stumbled in quite late. Woke up the next morning feeling even more ill, managed to get a cold, although it did go as low as 23 degrees recently! spent most of the day reading by the pool and watching tv ( the tv room had great sofas that are so long you can slouch and have your legs straight, and your feet are still on the cushions!) rang Mark for a bit, then had a quiet night, a few drinks with the girls, watched a bit of the biggest loser, which is on every nigjht! funny program, then went to bed. Left Bundy this morning, but really enjoyed it. Arrived in 1770 now, still feeling a bit ill. we went straiight to the beach and lay there for a couple of hours, then went to buy dinner. this is such a tiny place, about 5 shops, and a beach, so chilling out watching tv tonight. the living room has a roof but no walls, so going to get the bug spray out i think. seen so many lizards here but only little ones ( not like the one that was nearly as big as me at byron!
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