Today we have yet another bus to look forward to, only this time we are travelling with friends, after meeting them at the falls yesterday they told us to get the same tickets as them, so me, Hana, Hannah, Claire and fayssou all got the same tickets which leave at 9:30 this morning. Our ticket was meant for a mini bus but ended up being a coach - we were all glad about this, however not all was great. I would never complain about travelling through the mountains as the scenery is some of the most incredible, varied, insightful views you will get - passing through villages, completely remote roads at the edge of a cliff and seeing some of the real Laos. Again, however today was different as I still can't decide while writing this if those positives out weigh the negatives - I will try and paint a picture - the bus felt a cross between 70's interior design with the suspension from a shopping trolley, this paired with a good dose (on the 8 hour bus) of sleep deprivation, suffocation and water torture! Basically in 8 hours we went on no single piece of straight road (tried to get pictures but none will do justice) also road may be a bit of an over statement and the bus had broken air-con (today being the hottest we have seen) and the air-con that was on there decided to periodically drench our side of the bus!
But as I said sitting here now in vang vieng - location number 12 on our journey - with the view of mountains, in my comfy deck chair after showering and relaxing - it was definitely a journey I will never forgot - and I fully believe it's not just what you do that makes a memory it's who you do it with as well!
On that bombshell good night!
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