Captains log 17/07/13 we awake after a very average sleep, and discover that we are not hostile people, were to old for that s***. I organized a new place for us to stay last night, it's cheap but it's 2 miles out of town. We head off to find something to eat, because the hostile cereal and toast didn't really tickle our fancy. We set off on a little walk and explore for the first time around lovely Edinburgh. We found ourselves a nice little bakery and settled down. Back to the good old English breakfast for me, and oh how I missed them! Not to mention the really good coffee, top notch! Bella had an apricot and sultana porridge, she seemed very happy with it. After breakfast we went back to our hostile and made a plan of a attack to get to our new hostile. Ok easy, catch a bus just outside the zoo, walk 3 minutes and were there, all set. Oh how we were wrong. What laid ahead of us was some mammoth amount of walking only topped by our friend frodo in lord of the rings. I don't know how to express this next part and keep it pg rated, so I am sorry. Our bus driver told us the wrong stop to get off, and in the end we just pressed the bell and got off, then we started walking. 10/20/30 minutes trying to get back to the original spot. Alright cool we are following google maps, slightly inland from the main road there is the hostiles. Wrong! It was nothing just normal houses, ok back on the main road. Maps, phones, emotionally were flying every where. Keep it mind that Scotland is a lovely 36 degrees at this point with a 25 kg and 20kg suitcase as well as a back pack. We walked up and found number 98. We need 102. We're close however the numbers stop there's just a big empty driveway with "private" sign out the front. Hmmmm ok must be the other way. We walk 10 minutes backwards, we find 101,103,105 lovely just across the road and we should be sweet. But no. Number across the street is number 40. For some stupid f***ed up reason there odds and evens are reversed on the other side of the road. Really. At this point super angry and over it all I walk into a chemist to ask for directions. They were really nice and helpful and inform me that the "private" building they think is the hostile, however under a different name. f***! We head back, at this point I was dripping wet and past grumpy. We get there and sure enough it's 102, but first we need to climb about 1km straight up a gigantic hill. There was roughly 200ish stairs or a long windy road. Not sure just yet if this is the place I leave Bella at the bottom and run up the stairs, I find a huge house (later we found out it was an old hospital) on top of the hill. Some guy who was walking about informed me that this was the place, and to ring a big door bell. I did, out comes this painfully unorganized lady. You would think it was a uneducated homeless person running the hostile, printer wasn't working for our passports there was no signs out the front. It really pissed me off. I then had to climb back down the hill and carry the suitcases up. Mine and Bella's almost killed me, with the walk enough to upset Bella, by the time I wrestled them both up the 200ish stairs I had to collapse on one knee to get my breathe back. We were staying around the back of the house in the old doctors rooms of the hospital. It was ok, very basic but hell it was better then the backpackers, and it was cheap as chips. The very unorganized manger also under charged me, I didn't mind because at that point I felt like back handing her and giving her a crash course in small business, oh well. Bella had to help me plea off my top because it was stuck on me from the climb and I had a lovely shower. We relaxed and trolled the Internet for the next few hours just happy we had a bed. Sooner or later I convinced Bella to get up and come get some beers with me, we had a fridge so we could get super cheap beers and keep them cool, always a plus :)! We had a picnic for dinner in our room, of dirty local Indian, we got the norm of butter chicken and rogan josh. We were sat on the floor eating, drinking beers and being happy! After dinner we had a super early night because neither of us had a good sleep the night before and the walk took it out of us! Lucky for us we only have to tackle that hill 10 or so more times! Yay :)
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