Captains log 07/06/13. Well well well, the first all nighter took place. After a dangerously big night out we had to be up and ready to go at 645. 0 hours sleep, a quick breakfast and on to nice. Lucky for us the other 15 people that came out were also feeling like death. On the 8 hour bus trip, I tried to sleep but just couldn't get comfortable, Bella like always, blacked out instantly. The drive was ok and Levi made great time so before we new it, we had arrived at nice. It seems pretty apart from rock beaches but hey, I guess people in Australia are just lucky. We checked in and headed up for a quick nap before dinner. Worst idea ever, a 15 minute black out had left me feeling worst then ever. We went to a small place for dinner as a group, it was ok. We had quiche for the 20th time and guess what main was, you know it, chicken. Atleast this one wasn't on the bone but hey, still chicken :(. People from work will know my massive hatred for chicken more then once a week, and now I'm getting it twice a day. Oh we'll an included meal is better then nothing I guess. We headed off to a Aussie sports bar called Wayne's bar. It's cool and after my second glass of rosé with dinner, and my first beer I felt good, great even. Second wind kicking in. The drinks flowed during ideal chit chat and then the band comes on and boom, everyone is on top of tables singing and dancing to all the 80/90 classics. It was lots of fun, and old mate Levi is a bit of a party animal. By law it's his 24 hour break time, so he was allowed to let his hair down and he did! A few more drinkies and a lot more table top dancing and singing, and it was time to call it quits. A lovely midnight walk home and in to bed for our first free day! And a much awaited/needed sleep in!
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